03/31/17 06:21PM
EDIT: Just a short time thinking has caused me to overhaul this proposal to a request for input.

We have a few costuming tags that are broadly used and not yet defined. Among these are alternate_costume, costume_switch, and cosplay. While I have made suggestions on a definition for the first and last, I want community feedback on both the descriptions I've provided and other questions:

1. Should alternate_costume include canonical costume changes, as many long-running superheroes have had?

I am conflicted on this, but I do lean towards "yes." However, I believe that the costume element of the tag means it should not apply to normal clothing, only to costumes that provide a distinct identity. I would probably propose an alternate_outfit tag for normal clothing, if we feel it's necessary.

2. Should costume_switch include cosplay if both of the source characters are present?

The costume_switch tag is currently empty as I write this, which only means there are no images tagged with it. Given the definition currently written, crossover cosplay would qualify as a costume_switch, as I read it.

3. Where, if it exists, is the line between costume, uniform, and cosplay?

I expect we generally agree by this point that specific uniforms (military, police, martial arts) are not just a costume for the sake of tagging. Likewise, we know certain costumes, once put together, become their own thing, like the bunnysuit, maid, or nurse.

When I look at cosplay, I see various things in it that do not scream out cosplay to me. For example, there is at least some tendency to tag cosplay on any costume that can't be readily identified by another name already in use:


This picture is currently tagged as cosplay, but it doesn't appear to actually be cosplay -- this is an alternate_outfit or alternate_costume that Misty has worn in the show, and would be fitting of its own tag, in this case I would call it showgirl or showgirl_costume (I've noticed other pictures lately using similar costumes, so the tag may be due)


This is a good example -- these pokemon-themed showgirl costumes deserve a tag of their own, but they don't each deserve one.

Another issue to me is the use of Team Rocket costumes as cosplay, when really they're more of a uniform, as most of these Team costume pics are corruption/recruitment than actually playing a different character. Would some sort of gang_outfit tag solve this issue and be recognizable enough?

I think that costuming is definitely important for pictures -- sometimes the right costume can make an image, while the wrong one can ruin it --so maybe we need a bit more of a robust language for costuming in pictures?
04/03/17 04:51AM
Vanndril said:
Actually, I was wrong entirely. I had forgotten that we added and defined the Asian tag so, so long ago. I thought someone added it recently.

It only applies to real content. Basically, only thing tagged with [[real]] and that involve a person who is presumably asian should have the tag.

I edited my above post to avoid confusion.

Cool beans. I still wonder though, would the same apply to other races/ethnicities receiving a tag...?

Beyond that, added a "verbal abuse" tag, seeing as some people are into that sorta thing for art of it to be around. Tends to be associated with body writing from what I've seen.
04/04/17 07:24AM
kharonalpua said:
1. Should alternate_costume include canonical costume changes, as many long-running superheroes have had?

Not really, no.

It was intended for [[alternate_costume]] to be used the <<|same way as it is in Gelbooru>>, so I'll bring the definition over.

kharonalpua said:
2. Should costume_switch include cosplay if both of the source characters are present?

Eh... Just to have a sort of standard, I'd say no. Unless they also do other things to look like one another, like exchanging hairstyles. But just swapping outfits probably shouldn't be tagged as cosplay.

kharonalpua said:
Where, if it exists, is the line between costume, uniform, and cosplay?

I don't see any difference between a costume, uniform, and every-day clothing on a character. As far as I'm concerned, they're all the same thing.

Then again, I think you mean as far as tagging is concerned, right? Then it's hard to say where the line is drawn. Maybe costumes where it's practically common knowledge that they're a uniform for something or another (police, "business uniforms", etc.).

Cosplay would just be a person or character very specifically dressing up to look like a specific character, usually in more ways than just clothing.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Cool beans. I still wonder though, would the same apply to other races/ethnicities receiving a tag...?

I'm gonna say that it's not likely that there will be any other ethnic tags. Not many ethinicities are very clear at a glance like the difference between Asian and non-Asian ethnicities are.
04/07/17 01:55AM
Symbiote tag could use some clarification, as lotta pics involving transformations or "living liquid/latex suits" are involved, but aren't exactly the character that came from Spiderman...
04/07/17 10:15PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Symbiote tag could use some clarification, as lotta pics involving transformations or "living liquid/latex suits" are involved, but aren't exactly the character that came from Spiderman...

so do you you want it to be symbiote, as in a "character"?

personally, I think it makes more sense for the tag to refer to anything that is symbiote-like
relevant applications should involve
1) control or substantially modify the behavior of of the sub
2) be a separate entity which attaches to a person in a living liquid/latex suit sort of manner

04/07/17 10:22PM
Grim said:
so do you you want it to be symbiote, as in a "character"?

personally, I think it makes more sense for the tag to refer to anything that is symbiote-like
relevant applications should involve
1) control or substantially modify the behavior of of the sub
2) be a separate entity which attaches to a person in a living liquid/latex suit sort of manner

I agree with this, especially since most "symbiote-like" costumes are probably inspired or at least take a lot of cues from the Marvel symbiote.
04/08/17 04:45AM
Might be a dumb idea but I'll toss in my two cents:

Why not have a "conscious_symbiote" and an "unconscious_symbiote" tag, to differentiate between whether the symbiote is intelligent/talking to the sub, if it needs differentiating?

Some latex suits "talk" to their subs (like say <<|this one (furry)>> which is super old by now I don't think the tags have been updated in a while) whereas others <<|like this one (not furry)>> don't seem all that talkative ;)

Another example of <<|an intelligent symbiote (furry again)>> without talking this time, but this might all just be my own idea of "intelligence".
04/12/17 05:13AM
Trippy: trippy was wanting to give credit to her submissive that has been helping trippy by giving text to put onto a picture trippy was wondering if there is a "name(Writer)" tag
04/12/17 05:20AM
111 said:
Trippy: trippy was wanting to give credit to her submissive that has been helping trippy by giving text to put onto a picture trippy was wondering if there is a "name(Writer)" tag

Writing is one form of manip, so I'd assume the manipper tag covers that.
04/22/17 06:24AM
There a tag for hair covering one's eye(s)...?
04/22/17 06:26AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
There a tag for hair covering one's eye(s)...?

There should be that's a huge fetish of mine.
04/23/17 04:33AM
can we get rid of the nipples, boobs, and breasts tags?

1) properly used, they would cover the majority of pics without allowing better funneling of options, nor are they a useful tag for avoidance, although 2), they are clearly not used correctly, there being less than 50 boob, 400 breasts, and 2k nipples tags

3) the existence of both is effectively implied by being female or futa with being topless [I suppose we don't have a tag for for females without breasts, aka cunt boys, or fake breasts, but this tag doesn't help with those]

I suppose there are also pics which due to being a sketch or simple do not have nipples, but again, I don't think these tags help with that [maybe a nippleless tag, if we really need it, but I don't think we do]

4) we have a plethora of related tags that -do- help funnel outliers
4a) large breasts, huge breasts, small breasts
4b) large nipples, huge nipples, inverted nipples, erect nipples
04/23/17 04:40AM
Grim said:

4b) large nipples, huge nipples, inverted nipples, erect nipples

Do I want to know what "inverted nipples" are? ._.

Aside from that I do agree with the suggested tags, but would like to add "small nipples" or "tiny nipples" to the list. Should be a difference between small, regular and large. and huge, because I've seen some cow-girls (furry, not with the hat and all per se) whose nipples are just... damn, larger than a cucumber or something.
04/23/17 04:44AM
Friye said:
Do I want to know what "inverted nipples" are? ._.

Aside from that I do agree with the suggested tags, but would like to add "small nipples" or "tiny nipples" to the list. Should be a difference between small, regular and large. and huge, because I've seen some cow-girls (furry, not with the hat and all per se) whose nipples are just... damn, larger than a cucumber or something.

Pretty much what they sound like,they are nipples that rather than stick out are kind of sunken into the skin around them. They can be an actually medical issue in some cases but in porn they are usually just more fetish fuel.
04/23/17 06:51AM
Friye said:
Do I want to know what "inverted nipples" are? ._.

Aside from that I do agree with the suggested tags, but would like to add "small nipples" or "tiny nipples" to the list. Should be a difference between small, regular and large. and huge, because I've seen some cow-girls (furry, not with the hat and all per se) whose nipples are just... damn, larger than a cucumber or something.

the thing is, nipples are normally not that big; we tend to use "large" for anything obviously above average but still believable, and "huge" for anything big enough to lack credulity [we don't currently use hyper for goofily large or udder like]
in other words, rather then being a set increment of size, its about proportionality and believability, ie:

no mention: anything that sticks out, thus no need for small/tiny - is this a fetish I'm just completely oblivious to? I simply can't imagine anything so small, except for humorously needing magnification, that needs calling out
large: noticeably large, but not ridiculously so
huge: anything that seems ridiculously big, regardless of whether its physically possible, from a full inch to cucumbers and beyond
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