2024-09-13 05:37:49
>> #555743
And now a Flannery rkgk!

She makes such a cute kitty. A little confused and unsure as to what's going on, but she's got the spirit!

Hope you all enjoy!~
2024-09-13 05:20:51
>> #555739
aww how wholesome and cute
2024-09-13 04:57:37
>> #555738
ooh this one is v good
2024-09-13 03:35:46
>> #555736
Commission for NeoZero of a hypnotized and horny Maleficent.
Also, commissions are open.
2024-09-13 03:34:27
>> #555735
eeeeeeh Elena! We need more girls from Street Fighter 3
2024-09-13 01:59:45
>> #555729
We need more Elena here on Hypnohub. So I commissioned her with D-Zen. Given her benevolent and welcoming demeanor, she'd be perfect for D-Zen to seduce and sway. She and him have now become friends... with benefits. ;3

Hope everyone likes it. And thanks to Aurastudio for making this. :)
2024-09-13 03:17:24
>> #555734
The dub is out.

If anyone can get me the dubbed episode in 1080p or link me to somewhere I can download it, I will cut it and upload it here.
2024-09-12 19:08:57
>> #555703
The dub is out.
2024-09-02 21:25:58
>> #554870
>> #554868
I predict... it's gonna be sweeeeeet~!
2024-09-02 21:04:17
>> #554868
The show is being dubbed! Just like the episodes, every weds, but approx 2 episodes after the sub, so next weds, not this one, but the one after, ep nine will be released in the dub!
2024-08-30 18:36:19
>> #554550

I'm sorry man, but you've clearly never been hypnotised or hypnotised someone else if you're under the impression you cannot resist or refuse a suggestion. Let's break down your scenario.

Firstly you state you never agreed to be given the trigger but it was presented anyway. This can happen, in fact it happens to small degrees between hypnotists and subjects all the time due to miscommunication. You then say "I have no way of combating it". It's not mind control. You absolutely do, and you would do it in one of several ways:

1. Immediately wake up.
2. Voice your concern without waking up. If the suggestion is restated, return to 1.
3. Ignore it. When the trigger is later used, nothing happens.

Those are the most common ways suggestions are rejected.

You then say the hypnotist gives you another suggestion; to forget the session. Given you've already encountered a suggestion you didn't like, your trust in the hypnotist is already flimsy. There is almost no situation in which a subject would actually forget on command at this point. Many subjects are completely unable to experience hypnotic amnesia at the best of times - it absolutely requires substantial trust. So you would then pick from the above options - most likely you'd simply ignore both suggestions, neither would work and you'd wake up afterward feeling uncomfortable with the hypnotist.

Please stop spreading this stuff if you've never even done it. I do.
2024-09-13 03:14:49
>> #555733
To remove a parent post, change the ID number to 0.
2024-09-13 01:52:59
>> #555727
Why does it have a parent post if they don't have anything to do with each other, and why can't it be removed
2024-07-12 11:19:30
>> #549685
The Hub needs WAAAY more fractionation content
2024-07-12 03:14:46
>> #549642
god i love fractionation
2024-09-13 01:59:45
>> #555730
untranslated but higher quality version of 217016
2024-09-13 00:12:07
>> #555723

Red dissappears first due to its lower frequency, while Purple and Black have Higher Lightwave Frequency
2024-08-18 20:02:37
>> #553430
Is it weird that my first thought was that the purple ( and maybe black?) should disappear first revealing red underneath?

That way, with the domino mask goggles, she can pretend to be her old self?

Imagine it, purple fades away hypno spirals disappear, and she is normal Violet. And she splits up from the rest of her family to (imagine quotation marks), hunt down the villain.

And she returns to her new master or mistress, displaying her new colors and hypno spiral, reporting that no one suspects anything.
2024-09-12 23:56:40
>> #555721
it's Biboo's actual lore that she was imprison dur to her ability to enchant people and cause them to go mad for her
2024-09-12 23:54:13
>> #555720
We need more Towa hypnoart, this is not a bias or anything. Just facts.
2024-09-12 23:17:01
>> #555718
I would argue that hologra is not canon, but this is fun enough that I would let it slide, lol
2024-09-12 13:55:53
>> #555686
Hololive now has a streamer/idol who can Mind Control.

I was sure it would be some type of Magician Idol or a psychologist but never expected a literal shiny rock girl.

Hopefully we get to see more of her powers

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