2024-09-10 10:30:40
>> #555555
All goes well with Hoshino-ojisan's plan.
2024-09-10 01:31:59
>> #555508
First training step to make her Yume.
2024-09-10 08:46:28
>> #555553
That Psyduck's trying its best
2024-09-09 03:40:15
>> #555427
That Psyduck needs assistance.
2024-09-08 22:52:10
>> #555413
Holy Moly YESSSSSSS Gosh I know I'm biased but Mahou kills it with the pokegirls @.@
2024-09-08 21:12:48
>> #555399
Absolutely Gorgeous. A blessing from Mahou work.
2024-09-10 08:30:05
>> #555552
I can't believe they got sent to the Backrooms and then were fucked by Generic Hentai Male #43
2024-08-15 04:04:54
>> #553130
Glad this video is on the hub, it's my favorite one of the Aegis girls.
2024-09-10 08:28:04
>> #555551
MORE MORE PLEASE more of this type of absorption PLEASE
2023-08-11 23:38:05
>> #517560
Yes thats intense~~~ <3
2024-09-10 08:14:36
>> #555550
The text is a nice touch.
2024-09-10 08:10:50
>> #555549
Oh wow I missed a post when I first went through, it was even better with the floating page.

Luckily I saw it since I made a pool enjoy :)
2024-08-27 11:29:55
>> #554258
Being triggered to orgasm and then instantly back to sleep is just... perfect.
2024-08-27 00:04:20
>> #554213
God, this whole comic was AMAZING.
2024-09-10 07:52:14
>> #555548
heroes also don't generally get raped and left with a bunch of monopoly money either, but if I've misread the grimdark level in this then I apologize
2024-09-10 00:15:37
>> #555504
i think generally "heroes" don't murder people
2024-09-09 20:37:29
>> #555496
Actually wait, it's even worse than I thought - what good is armor? Who cares about sharpness? Just give her a literal stick to poke through them with, people generally don't function well if you've put a stake in their heart lmao
2024-09-09 20:24:47
>> #555495
So, she can phase anything she's touching through solids? Then grab that dipshit, shove his head into a wall, and then let go of him. At the very least it displaces some material from the wall and he's trapped for a good kicking, but you might get a lovely spray of viscera! That's only a non-combat power if you're too squeamish or not creative enough, though...
2024-09-09 20:06:04
>> #555492

Akemi's coworker Shelly aka Phase Gal has a encounter with the villainous Brain Drain. After his power wore off she realized he didn't give her a shit ton of money and had to spend real money to get a day after pill.
She plots her revenge!
2024-09-10 07:37:17
>> #555547
Sorry for taking a while to respond myself, saw it the day after it was posted (thanks for the dm) but had to go do an experiment and wasn't finished drafting yet.

IzayoiTsuki said:
>> #552814
Thank you very much, for that you answered my question about which contents are allowed here. That is extremely helpful!
No problem it's a fairly common question, glad I could help!

I know the Freudian Erogeneous things are not that "scientific" or positivist. However as you said it IS interesting and easy to understand for fictional literature. And you actually can see this part is about implicit age regression, which could be combined perfectly with Freudian theories.
Yeah I figured you'd probably already know but it never hurts to add more context. It is quite interesting you look at the proliferation of Freud and it's more based on how his theories infiltrated literature. Yeah I definitely saw the age regression thing and thought it was quite genius. It's kinda funny to think about the hypothetical of Freud continuing to make more erogenous zones so for example close to the end of where is now the latent stage, there's one that's... let's go with the femur stage where if you get "stuck" in this stage the obsessions you get are (note I used an LLM to help me theorise ideas so some of this is probably a little too verbose):

Obsessive Thoughts about Intimacy

Constant preoccupation with physical intimacy and attraction.

Difficulty Forming Relationships (partly because it interrupts the latent stage)

Challenges in establishing deep emotional connections due to an overemphasis on
physical aspects

Body Image Issues

Engaging in impulsive or risky sexual behaviors in an attempt to fulfill desires related to intimacy and attraction

An excessive need for physical touch or affection.

Difficulty managing feelings of jealousy or possessiveness in relationships, stemming from insecurities related to physical attractiveness.

Feelings of inadequacy or anxiety regarding ones desirability, particularly if comparisons are made with others.

Frustration over unmet desires for intimacy, potentially leading to irritability or mood swings.

Engaging in behaviors that seek external validation of attractiveness, such as social media use or dressing to impress.

And while in Freud's original concept erogenous zones were more "objects" of sexual drive rather than sources (doi: 10.1080/15294145.2012.10773688). in contemporary language erogenous zones have a far different meaning and connotation that it would be a shame to pass up for porn purposes, ie let's make erogenous zones actually erogenous zones.

Also try out Freudian dream analysis, not because it's right all that often but it's absolutely hilarious almost every time.

And thanks again for your comment. I am fairly pleased to discuss with you about something academic(maybe a little). If possible I would be more precise in later writings.

Thanks for the response and more so for writing it in the first place :D like I said I just REALLY enjoyed this scenario. I would absolutely be down to talk about other things for sure, though I need a little more of a plan than "something academic" feel free to reach out whenever you want, oh also I figured I might as well offer some proof-reading services, good luck in your future pieces :)
2024-09-04 11:16:19
>> #555021
>> #552814
Thank you very much, for that you answered my question about which contents are allowed here. That is extremely helpful!

I know the Freudian Erogeneous things are not that "scientific" or positivist. However as you said it IS interesting and easy to understand for fictional literature. And you actually can see this part is about implicit age regression, which could be combined perfectly with Freudian theories.

And thanks again for your comment. I am fairly pleased to discuss with you about something academic(maybe a little). If possible I would be more precise in later writings.
2024-08-12 08:54:51
>> #552814
Even if there was absolutely no mc in the story at all (which is not the case imo) as long as it's part of a series that has mc at some point i.e. all the last posts, then your fine. Though tbh I don't know how it applies to stories in the comments like this. Either either way all of your images are counting as mc so you have literally nothing to worry about.Also as long as it has mc pretty much anything is allowed barring egrigious things like loli being explicit. any kind of personality change like that I could not see being not allowed.

Now onto non meta stuff... Holy hell that way of transforming the personallity is so insidious I love it so much. Tying it into Freud's erogenous zones theory was really interesting (Though let's be clear irl these theories are considered very bunkt, but it's totally fine and interesting to explore if they did have a lot more credence in fiction) the imagery of going backwards through the uterus to represent going back through the different states, while triggering all of a person's actual erogenous zones to mold them into being a even more lustful horny version of themselves is incredible.
2024-08-09 06:03:32
>> #552569
>> #552567
Thank you,mon ami.
You are right, this should be the Memoir of Livia (5)...And all the extra stories should be under this title. So there is no missing part but simply a typo.
Thank you for your liking and maintenance...truely heroic!
2024-08-09 04:14:13
>> #552567
Great next chapter, again but I was just wondering if there was a The Memoir of Livia (5) I missed, since the last one I saw was (4).
2024-09-10 07:26:05
>> #555546
welcome back unlikely!
2024-09-10 04:00:26
>> #555525
Yay more Unlikely!!!
2024-09-10 07:20:24
>> #555545
-From description-

Dee dee: So you turned him into our personal maid?
Dexter: Precisely! Manda...caugh, I mean, Miss Susan, will no longer be a huge burden on our lifes.
Dee dee: Have to say, he looks rather cute as a girl.... soooo, I guess even for a "genius" like you, that must have been pretty difficult to pull off.
Dexter: Oh no no no. It was actually quiet simple.
Dee dee: Veeery interesting, do you mind showing me how you did it?
Dexter: Sure. I'm glad to see you finally gain some actual interest for the fine art of science.

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