2024-09-08 22:53:47
>> #555415
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Dom Mode *bites lip* <3
2024-09-08 22:10:29
>> #555408
Thanks bleach brave soul for giving us this beautiful art
2024-09-08 18:03:44
>> #555376
Surprised to see this
2024-09-08 16:06:33
>> #555369
"I hope my dance pleases you, Lord Aizen..."
2024-09-08 21:56:19
>> #555406
gosh.. i cant really control myself looking at this
2017-10-22 01:44:06
>> #206200
Anon_3.141 said:
One of the tags on the linked gallery is "female:moral_degeneration", which certainly sounds like a form of MC.

It isnt loose morals doesnt mean brainwashed.
2017-10-22 01:09:50
>> #206188
I love that song
2017-10-22 00:54:34
>> #206186
nalak said:
Okay checking the original source this isn't MC.
Translation of original source:[/spoiler]

One of the tags on the linked gallery is "female:moral_degeneration", which certainly sounds like a form of MC.
2017-09-23 22:02:21
>> #200296
cdyoung said:
>Provided proof it's not MC
>Kept because people think everything is MC.

Seriously people.

well, it LOOKS like mind control!
2024-09-08 21:25:52
>> #555402
And here's the gif version. Now the wonderful eyes Kaa provides for Aurora can ripple to reflect her total submission, which she's no doubt delighted to experience as much as Kaa is delighted to make her feel. :3
2024-09-08 21:21:03
>> #555401
Paid for this as a gift for my dear friend, Aurora. She has encountered Kaa and he's showing her a good time, exchanging her mind and clothes for pleasure. Kaa gets to enjoy her body heat in the jungle night, too. Nothing like mutual benefit. :3
2024-09-08 21:15:57
>> #555400
Hello, my friends! I hope you are all doing well. ^^ Here is the next part in Chapter 2 of the Future Made series made by the great artist @BlueBullPen

And here we have the start of the main event! Rebecca puts the headset on Karinka's and presses a button to activate it. And thus, the lovely Steel Angel falls completely under Rebecca's control.

And here is a little story to go with it.

Once Rebecca was satisfied with the settings, she started to place the headset on Karinka's head. "Please tell me if the headset is comfortable enough. It's not too tight is it?" The dark-skinned woman asked.

"It's fine." Karinka retorted back still annoyed at how long this was taking.

"No need for such hostility my dear. We're almost ready. But I do have to make one final check before activation." Rebecca told the blonde.

"Why all the precautions?" Karinka asked as a red flag finally got through her desires. "This has been done before right? How many of these things have you actually sold?"

"Oh, this device is brand new. In fact, you'll be the first one to test the model out." Rebecca said and smiled as she makes one final adjustment. "I'm sure that the BRB will work as I've theorized. It will give you the sexy curves you've always desires..."

Something in the back of Karinka's mind make her ask the next question.

"And what do you get out it? How much is this going to cost?"

"Why nothing sweetie. There are somethings a bit more important than money. " Rebecca said. "Besides, you'll get your new curves, and I get a sexy beauty to be my new Battel Ro-Babe Security slave. I'd say that's more than fair compensation, don't you?"

Karinka nodded slight at that. "Yeah, that's true." Then the rest of her sentence cut through and finally registered in her mind. "Wait... WHAT?!"

As those last words left her mouth, Rebecca pressed the button on the side of the headset activating it. The subsonic white noise began filtering into Karinka's head causing her to jolts to attention. Her eyes glazed over as it felt like 1.21 gigawatts of electricity was now coursing through her cybernetic brain.

'W-W-Warning! Ha-Hacking Detected... S-System Override... Eminent..." Karinka droned out as her head jerked to the side. "Override Complete... Releasing Nanintes into Subject Karinka..." Swarms of microscopic Nanites flowed into Karina's ear combining with the subsonic frequency to further put The Steel Angel under Rebecca's control.

"Nanites infiltrating mind and heart of subject. Reprogramming subject Karinka to Battle-Ro-Babe... Security Slave... Reprogramming.... Re...Pro...Gram...Ing..."

All the while Rebecca smiled as she looked at the monitors feeding her infermating. "All is going according to plan. The Academy truly were foolish. They gave her the power of two Angel Hearts yet know affectionate leash to keep her under control like with Kurumi and Saki. The 'Sleeping Beauty' protocols were completely overridden. Well, I can't have a slave bot being defiant... Lets do things the right way." Rebecca said as she pressed a button.

Karinka's head jerked again before she said, "Reprogramming Complete... Beginning Restart process... Mixing Steel Angel Protocols with Battle Ro-Babe Protocols... SA/BRB Unit Karinka shutting down to sleep mode. Await Reactivation Kiss Protocols..." And with that, the Steel Angel's eyes closed and she remained still and motionless.

Rebecca smiled as she stepped forward placing a hand on the still girl's cheek. "And now my dearest Karinka... with this kiss... you will become completely mine." The dark skinned mistress of robotics smiled and gave the 'sleeping beauty' a slow yet passional kiss on the lips. She held the kiss for a few seconds until...


Rebecca pulled back and smiled as Karinka's eyes shot open, looking just like Kasumi and Setsuna's eyes, with a green glow to them.

"Steel Angel/Battle Ro-Babe Unit Karinka now active. Affection Circuits On-Line. Obedience Circuits On-Line. New Mistress/Owner of unit designation: Rebecca Lyes." Karinka spoke in a mindless monotone.

Rebecca smiled as Karinka asked, "Does Mistress/Owner wish memory former personality and memory purge?"

The dark-skinned woman shook her head and pressed 'No' causing Karinka to bring.

"Mental Reprogramming complete. Nanite incorporation is complete. Ready to begin physical improvements per Mistress's Programming."

Rebecca smiled. It was time for the best part to begin.

To Be Continued...

And there we have it. Karinka is now mentally ready to obey her new Mistress's commands. Next up, It's time for Karinka to get the Karinka sexy curves she's always wanted. ^^ And it will all be for Rebecca's pleasure.

More comics, pictures, and stories are coming soon. So until next time, take care and stay well everyone! ^^

This picture was made by the great artist Bluebullpen and is posted with permission.
2024-09-08 20:35:54
>> #555396
Oh...well either way...SMASH
2024-09-08 18:20:10
>> #555377
@Ineed_help Redesign. And it's an odd change at that.

Not racist, but I feel like her new design aren't much different than the original outside the fact that she's black now. Not sure how I feel about it.
2024-09-08 15:24:47
>> #555365
Since when was Girlfriend blac-
2024-09-07 18:21:24
>> #555308
oh no she's hot. o///o
2024-09-08 18:37:42
>> #555388
Cute~~~ Though I would hope pressing does release a perfume or even better a hypnotic perfume @.@
Basically I want this outfit to be functional too hehe
2024-09-08 10:33:10
>> #555359
Atsugessho outfit always a great time, fuck the haters
2024-09-08 09:34:28
>> #555357
that is.... an outfit choice?
2024-09-08 07:33:29
>> #555352
Hey hey! hy2300 made an Atsugessho pic earlier that I absolutely loved, so I figured why not get my main two in on the action? Who knows - maybe if enough people are interested, they'll spray some of their Master's hypnotic perfume on a few other favorites of mine~. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!
2024-09-08 18:35:31
>> #555387
Well she WAS hot >.>
2024-09-08 14:13:45
>> #555361
Honestly, if mimics did exist, they'd probably be bluetooth speakers and Google Homes and shit like that, so, this seems applicable.
2024-09-08 06:42:19
>> #555346
From questions answered at the source, I think something possessed her speaker and used its music to hypnotize her to remain unaware while it eats her. Kind of a big jump between the fourth and fifth panels, but I liked the first four panels a lot.

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