2024-09-07 07:34:56
>> #555284
That Cosmo face is fucking killing me lolololol XD
2024-09-07 01:52:50
>> #555268
Yeah, but seriously how many times did Timmy not have to undo a wish that went disastrous?
2024-09-07 01:11:33
>> #555264
Never did I ever think in my limited time on this hellsphere we call home that I would view Cosmo utter the words "I'm gonna bust." naice
2024-09-07 00:43:48
>> #555262
Wow. I forgot about those things. That episode was a mess. Actually how often were Timmy's wishes NOT ill advised?
2024-09-07 07:02:13
>> #555283
Bigger Bust Goals @.@
2024-09-07 00:39:17
>> #555261
OMG OMG I was waiting for this new picture! Congratulations as usual
2024-09-07 00:22:20
>> #555256
Hello, my friends! I hope you are all doing well today. Here is the next picture for Chapter 2 of the Future Made series made by the great artist @Bluebullpen

I just love how this picture came out. Karinka's expression is one of complete wonder as Rebecca explains her new BRB Headset with a virtual screen to help the blonde make the choices she wants. We see a little before and after scenario in the background too.

And here is a little story to go with it. Enjoy! ^^

Karinka followed Rebecca to another part of the store. It was a bit odd as this part was a little more concealed to keep other customers from watching, but she must have had a good reason. Besides, If her device could do what was promised, perhaps it was better if others didn't see her right away. It's not that she was shy or anything like that. It's just she didn't want to give others heart attacks at the mere sight of her new figure. She wanted to enjoy their expressions after all.

"And here we have it. The BRB Headset, complete with a holo visor to show you the stats of the figure you wish to have." Rebecca told her as Karinka looked at her skeptically.

"And how is it supposed to do that? It looks like some funky telephone thing." Karinka asked. "And what's BRB supposed to stand for?"

"That's very simple. BRB stands for Bio-organic Reconstructive Beauty. Once you activate the device while wearing it, the sub-sonic frequency will merge with your cerebral functions, specifically the parts that control body growth and hormones." Rebecca explained.

"What does that mean?" Karinka asked a little annoyance creeping in. It sounded like this thing would mess with her brain and she didn't want anyone or anything inside her head.

Rebecca smiled as she continued to bait her trap. "Ah, but that's the key. It tricks your body, fully human or not, into releasing the chemicals within to alter your physical appearance. And with just a few clicks, you can have a bust line that goes from nonexistent..." Karinka nearly growled at what she perceived as an insult. "To B, C, D, or even DD size in seconds."

The monitor then showed a picture of one girl with a very small chest to one with a very large chest.

"Ooooh! Can it make them bigger?" Karinka asked completely star-struck.

"Of course! Make them as big as you desire. G, GG, K, J. Though I would advise against going too big to the point you become immobile. One thing that you should know is that my device will also give you increased height. It's all about keeping the proportions correct. You wouldn't want to look like a misshapen creature, would you? It would defeat the purpose of my device. " Rebecca told her.

Karinka nodded. That made sense. She wasn't against being a little taller. All the better to show up Kurumi and Saki. And the other overly busty women she knew of.

Karinki couldn't help but smirk as she thought about her 'sisters' reaction after her transformation.

"Oh, Karinka! You are so much more beautiful and sexier than I am now!" A defeated Kurumi said with tears in her eyes.

"We were so wrong to dismiss you! You truly are the best of the three of us!" Saki also cried with tears in her own eyes.

Karinka smirked as she stood over her sisters, her new huge breasts bouncing with her slightest movement, a hand on her now well-curved hip and the skirt barely covering her new big booty.

"I don't know..." Karinka told them with a sinister smirk. "Maybe I'll consider it... if you both apologize a few hundred times!"

Kurumi and Saki both fell to their knees hands clasped in pleading gestures. "We're Sorry! We're Sorry! We're Sorry! We're Sorry!" They both repeated as Karinka laughed manically in her fantasy.

In the read world, Karinka was so lost in her fantasy and giggling like a made woman that she missed the more devilish smirk Rebecca was now giving her.

"Now then my dear, shall we proceed?" The dark skin woman asked as the blonde Steel Angel nodded frantically. "Excellent! Wait right here and we'll make every woman who ever put you down green with even."

To Be Continued...

And there we have it. I hope you like this portion of the story. We're getting closer and closer to Karinka's brainwashing, reprograming and transformation. So stay tuned to see what happens next, even though we all know what's coming. XD

More comics, stories, and pictures are coming soon. So until next time, stay well and stay safe everyone! ^^

This picture was made by the great artist Bluebullpen and is posted with permission. ^^
2024-09-07 06:20:16
>> #555282
... I've been backwards through this series... interesting start!
2024-08-31 07:49:44
>> #554632
u/tragicsolitudedragon on Reddit. Just added the source link and artist tags.
2024-08-30 14:35:56
>> #554536
Any artist credit?
2024-09-07 06:19:06
>> #555281
ah, classic hypnotization
2024-09-07 06:18:14
>> #555280
I love her costume
2024-09-07 06:16:59
>> #555279
ok, a bit rapey but whatever...
2024-09-07 06:16:04
>> #555278
great costume and character design here
2024-09-04 14:40:15
>> #555023
I think this got uploaded out of order.
2024-09-07 04:27:29
>> #555273
Wierd. It wont let me see it.
2024-09-07 04:07:21
>> #555272
Shit was so surprising she had to swear four times
2024-09-07 02:30:57
>> #555269
oh fuck I REALLY like this one
2024-09-07 00:33:34
>> #555260
Tanlines will always be hot, change my mind.
2024-09-06 22:48:56
>> #555247
Tan zone (ba-dum-tssss)

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