2025-03-07 03:09:44
>> #570038
Who is the author of this series of images?
2024-07-23 20:05:55
>> #550954
I really like this pls keep doing it (maybe a lucario, zoroark, cinderace, gardevoir next time?)
2024-07-20 00:07:20
>> #550544
The best saga, hands down.
2024-07-19 21:02:05
>> #550526
It's my curse :^(
2024-07-19 20:34:43
>> #550524
*resets the DAYS SINCE SLEEPYHEAD MADE POKEYOLKS clock back to 0*
2025-03-07 02:40:10
>> #570037
~Amity Blights Domestication~
Patreon Poll Pinup

Amity goes to save Luz from whatever it was Master Astorius had done to her, but very quickly lost focus as she remembered she had some maidly duties to perform
Date Mar 7, 2025User da_janitor2Rating ExplicitScore 24(vote up)
2025-03-07 02:24:53
>> #570036
Ty Lee is perfection and underappreciated here
2025-03-07 02:15:33
>> #570035
Honestly one of my prouder animations, the dance flows a lot smoother than I could've hoped starting out. Plus it was a good excuse to use my satyr-boy some more, big fan of his vibes
2025-03-07 02:14:31
>> #570034
Commission I did featuring the client's OC being turned into a noblelady by way of an insidious gift :>
Was a fun one to work on, really feels like I got a good feel for the character and the significance of the change based on her lore
2025-03-07 01:04:55
>> #570033
More Tigress on the hub is always a good thing~ Looking forward to the comic^^
2025-03-06 23:31:22
>> #570029
Hello my friends! I hope you are doing well today. Here is a new picture I got from the great artist Arabatos. Here is a new Idea I have for The Multiverse Hypno Harem starring my OC Anna Smith.

Here the gorgeous Anna, now the Queen Mother of the Gods and Goddesses including Master David and Mistress K. Everything goes through her and after seeing all the fun David and K are having, she wants in. So she uses her powers to bend the sexy Martial Artist Master Tigress and the classis 80's version of April O'Neil from TMNT. I really love their sexy dresses, and much like in the other series Anna appears in, her slaves will have eyes of silver and gold. Because all good girls are slaves of silver and gold. They must do as they are told.

And since these character ages can't be in dispute. I can safely post this here for all to enjoy! ^^

I may post other single images here, but the series is too hot for DA, even with edits and censorship. But I think you'll all enjoy these solo images. ^^

What do you all think? Should Anna join as the ultimate Goddess of sexy women and hot milfs? Let me know in the comments below! ^^

More comics, pictures and stories are coming soon. So until next time, take care and stay well everyone! ^^

This picture was made by the great artist Arabatos and is posted with permission. ^^
2025-03-07 00:52:51
>> #570032
what is that foot doing????? haha...
2025-03-06 21:14:09
>> #570022
Moana sighed.
It has been two weeks already since the Goro Crew, alongside Noah and her father, left the island, leaving her with the bar to maintain. It wasn't hard, mind you; she always has been good at it, considering the perpetual state of drunkness his father suffered, but... she felt so alone at that moment, especially after all the pirates of the Madlantis left, cast out by the new Captain Pirate of Hawaii. Oh, how she missed the nights when she snaked out from the house, meeting with those rugged men, letting them use her body for their pleasure, so much a slut she was.

Perhaps it was that desire that made the Dark Gods of the Sea interest her, making her find an ancient artifact out of nowhere, a little trinket with an irresistible attraction she couldn't escape, nor deny. She sat on the counter, gently spreading her legs, making the tiny coin going back and forth in front of her, back... and forth... back... and forth... as her consciousness started to slip from the dull, unkind reality to a new one, a pleasant one, where her willpower were not hers anymore, where she felt the same sense of powerlessness that she had when the rugged pirates of the sea took her. Her cunt was drooling warm juices, her lips parted to moan softly as her trance went deeper and deeper, her fingers working to rub her clit in circles until the climax finally arrived, though she was so deep under her response was nothing than a simple, low gasp, as then fell back down on the counter, sleeping a peaceful sleep, empty of worries but full of satisfaction again, grateful that the Dark Gods answered her desperate call.

...except it wasn't them giving her that thing: it was just us two, and to be quite frank, it wasn't even a magical trinket or shit like that, just a spare coin I got from a vending machine in Honolulu that I attached to a string I've found after opening a chocolate box. Moana thinking it was just magic hypnotizing her? Nah, fam, just her being a pretty well-hidden slut who auto-convinced herself it was the coin doing the trick, some placebo... but hey, as long as it works...
2025-03-07 00:32:24
>> #570031
@KittyScarlet I've done other RPG systems, but 2e seemed a bit more dialed in and less conducive to hypnokinky RP so I'm curious how you're managing it.
2025-03-06 15:22:23
>> #569996
@Arist there are several! I'm actually working on a full pathfinder 2e hypnokink homebrew system
2025-03-06 08:26:29
>> #569974
"hypnokink Pathfinder campaign"
Huh, I didn't know there were campaigns like that.
2025-03-05 16:50:32
>> #569903
Two characters from the hypnokink Pathfinder campaign I run, Ivy, a Goblin stage hypnotist, and Thala, a nagaji sex worker, who works for someone who may be evil and planning to conquer the world. Using hypnosis of course.
2025-03-06 23:33:32
>> #570030
Now I can stare and getting hungry.
2025-03-06 21:31:48
>> #570024
And here's the nude version! Enjoy the cake!
2025-03-06 22:36:02
>> #570028
#562394 The wiki says that it's an unspecified body part, most likely breasts or buttocks, and I've never heard a fan who didn't interpret it as breasts.
2024-12-03 00:52:52
>> #562394
okay. you know, for a long time, the meaning of "grebnacks" evaded me, but my best guess is that it's supposed to be a way to say "boobs" on a kids' show. since they got no problem saying "butt"
2024-12-02 20:09:06
>> #562373
There is no Starfire, only Xhal!
2024-12-02 12:25:29
>> #562358
Xhal is the Tamaranean goddess.
2024-12-02 06:12:51
>> #562345
been wondering this, but what exactly does "X'Hal" mean?

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