2016-03-19 12:42:14
>> #93927
How come sleepymaid never uploads from a sleepymaid account. It is always someone elses account that he uploads from.
2016-03-23 11:48:21
>> #94596
ZyxS said:
I don't know if this is what actually happened but it looks like you just took an image of Kaa off the internet and photoshopped it (poorly) into the image. It's better to just leave Kaa out of images if he's not in them in the first place.

Personally I am not really into kaa but alot of people are. Appealing to the masses my friend. :)
2016-03-19 23:20:14
>> #93981
I don't know if this is what actually happened but it looks like you just took an image of Kaa off the internet and photoshopped it (poorly) into the image. It's better to just leave Kaa out of images if he's not in them in the first place.
2016-03-19 23:19:01
>> #93980
I must say this actually does look good.

Apart from the fading part in the middle :P
2016-03-19 22:41:44
>> #93970
i will love to see this but like a comic: hipnosis, willing prey, vore, digestion (not bloody just pleasurable digestion until the end)
2016-03-19 17:06:46
>> #93946
I don't really see it as loli, but I'll leave that up to the moderators.

And personally, I think it's better than some of your other stuff, maybe that's just me though.
2016-03-22 04:50:10
>> #94378
Kairi Kamiya in her college years.
2016-03-20 01:48:07
>> #94001
2016-03-19 12:12:36
>> #93917
This is fucking hot
2018-04-13 16:37:21
>> #246336
Brokander_again said:
Futa Granberia I approve of... but futa Chrome goes straight to my NOPE list.

Futa versions of nightmarefuel is on the approve list with the exception of Promestein's final form

And Black Alice...?
2016-03-21 09:47:35
>> #94235
Futa Granberia I approve of... but futa Chrome goes straight to my NOPE list.

Futa versions of nightmarefuel is on the approve list with the exception of Promestein's final form
2016-03-19 23:25:51
>> #93984
Thf772 said:
Some people have "yaoi" tag blacklisted...

... and the one in the back REALLY looks like a genuine male to me.

Granberia is just tomboyish girl.
2016-03-19 23:00:00
>> #93974
Some people have "yaoi" tag blacklisted...

... and the one in the back REALLY looks like a genuine male to me.
2016-03-19 11:52:52
>> #93915
now this is a monster girl quest i'd play!
2021-10-24 07:09:52
>> #442666
I never realized this site had keyboard warriors and rules as tight as the constitution, Jesus, it's fetish porn, chill and nut, folks
2016-03-22 11:39:03
>> #94406
MasakakiKairi said:
Don't worry. My old posts look terrible compared to my recent work. You'll only get better from here.
P.S. I love your style

Thank you very much that means alot :)
2016-03-20 20:50:44
>> #94097
Don't worry. My old posts look terrible compared to my recent work. You'll only get better from here.
P.S. I love your style
2016-03-20 18:15:31
>> #94058
Indeed, there is a gradient in the eyes, now. Which is good.

This one's not too bad, in my opinion. The cropped shadow could use some work, as could the borders of the eyes, but I feel like this is good enough to stay. :)

HypnOlster - As others have said, you're definitely improving. Good to see. You've got a ways to go, but you're certainly making progress. Keep at it.

One thing I'd recommend is learning to use layers and the smudge tool. If you place a prop (such as that shadow) on a new layer with a transparent background, you can freely smudge (lightly, while being extra careful to keep the same overall shape of the shadow - which is SERIOUSLY important!) the borders of the shadow using a low smudge "Rate" (a setting that works a lot like opacity; it basically effects how "strong" the smudge effect is - not sure what "Rate" is called in Photoshop). By doing so, you could manually remove all that jaggedness around the border of the shadow prop.

You could also just edit the shadow prop in its own file, "cleaning it up" there for use in other images, assuming you saved the prop to its own file to begin with.

If you manage to clean up the jagged edges via smudge tool while keeping the same overall shape and curves of the prop, then it'll look a LOT cleaner.
2016-03-19 17:11:02
>> #93948
yeah it's not a solid eye colour so I don't know why they're being flagged for that
2016-03-19 22:19:15
>> #93967
Guess I should just take these off *giggles*
2016-03-19 10:56:18
>> #93907
I guess I was on a hiatus :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one - the face looked deliciously confused when I added the spiral eyes. I could have written something to go with the picture, but honestly it would have been superficial.
2016-03-19 17:09:59
>> #93947
Whisper said:
I know >~<

I wish we get some kind of carefree stuff in between the arcs so that i can chill and fap xD

Bonus since I just noticed this - hey, this is what I use Nebura for! Don't take away my porn! :c
2016-03-19 16:06:39
>> #93939
Nazwa said:
Probably because of Nebura sticking into plot in order to survive, harming it's host (comic) in process.

Nah, I think Nebura is improving the comic tenfold.
2016-03-19 15:17:49
>> #93937
Shinitra said:
I don't like Febe now. Her opinions disgust me.
(Why is this tagged parasite?)

Probably because of Nebura sticking into plot in order to survive, harming it's host (comic) in process.
2016-03-19 12:31:21
>> #93925
I don't like Febe now. Her opinions disgust me.
(Why is this tagged parasite?)
2016-03-19 11:05:55
>> #93909
Well, i think that the "problem" is that right now it is unclear which prevails, the porn or the story
If i am correct i think this kind of project is a first for Myuk, and even though he does a superfine job already, it could probably use more time and planning to have a finished result that has more..."balance".
This is why i am really looking forward to season 2~

2016-03-23 06:21:51
>> #94548
I watch lost pause he is funny
2016-03-19 08:44:23
>> #93890
That lasst line reminds me of Lost Pause aka Noble
2016-03-19 08:38:22
>> #93889
Those are horns?
2016-03-19 11:04:07
>> #93908
Not bad at all, considering the hastiness. No way I could do that in even ten times whatever amount it took you.
2016-03-19 08:02:12
>> #93885
I haven't uploaded anything in ages. Here's a little doodle for tonight... Ivy really love magic users so she has pentagram lingeries and harness hidden in her wardrobe... Her boyfriend played with her mind a bit tonight.. She's totally confortable wearing it and kneeling in front of him <3

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