08/28/24 05:56AM
'Yes Master' appreciation thread
"Yes master". A simple phrase but can really turn on most of us hypno horny freaks x3

So inspired by this one video on YouTube, I made this thread in the hopes that we can find and post and appreciate all the clips and moments where some zonked peeps say the fabled phrase~
08/28/24 07:15PM
One of the best "yes masters" is from Charlene in Biker Mice From Mars. The emotionless tone and mature voice blend so well together to create a classic.

Another good one, although only pretending to be hypnotized is Gwen Tennyson from Ben 10.
08/30/24 01:38AM
Oh yes, I've also done works where I added that line. "Yes master" is a good phrase indeed and I am glad others agree.
08/30/24 04:28AM
Such a beautiful and simple phrase. Two words, expressing only obedience towards the one who has claimed the mind of the hypnotized subject. Nothing more is needed, just a confirmation that they heard their master and will do as told.

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