01/21/25 06:16PM
Altered Common sense
Hello I wanted to know if some of you knew scenes/eps of anything that involves altered common sense and it does not necessarily have to be about sex or sexual things. Even people getting altered to think it's normal to do stupid/goofy stuff is nice. Example, even something where characters are mind altered to think ti's normal to roll on yourself to move from point A to point B would be nice for example. Or something like "of course it's normal to eat pieces of paper and to write stuff on meat"

I have an example of that

In episode 78 of yu gi oh go rush some sort of reality warping happened. Stuff became weird: people changed visually, one of the MC's voice changed, a girl had weird stuff on her glass, someone's name changed, a dog became a lama of some sort, people use squids instead of ties, people use kettles instead of basketballs to play basket, a space ship became a bird, people go for a walk with toilet paper instead of dogs, a young girl has gorilla arms, a guitarist uses drum instead of her guitar, people's tears come from their ears instead of their eyes, an always wet character became dried etc ...

And nobody notices anything is weird due to the mind alteration related to that reality warping. Except the main character who slowly manages to notice all abnormal things. It takes some time for victims to notice it and the mind alteration at the scale of victims is stopped once they understand it's abnormal.

Also, citizens are altered to think it's normal to walk toilet paper instead of dogs, wear squids instead of ties, or use kettles instead of basket balls to play basket.

Thanks in advance for your help ^^
01/22/25 08:19PM
This isn't explicitly common sense alteration. It's more an anime where a very bizarre situation is treated as normal.
It's called Jingai-san no Yome.
This concrete-eating moomin-esque creature stops by the local high-school to pick out a bride.
And this is normal. Everyone is fine with it. The principal even helps the creature.
The creature picks out one of the boys to be its "bride." The boy is initially flabbergasted by this,but he is married to the creature in short order and the rest of the show is about him balancing his student life and being a good wife.
And this is normal. Everyone is fine with this. Even the protagonist is fine with eventually when he realizes how wonderfully soft his new husband's fur is.
He is one of several teen brides these creatures have wandered into town and married out of the blue. One of those brides is even a girl.
And this is normal. Everyone is fine with this.
01/23/25 11:14PM
Thanks a lot! Too bad it's "natural" in that anime because if that situation was triggered by a power of some sort it would have been excellent.
I remember ep 20e (part 5 of ep 20 so the 100th mini ep) of saiki kusuo no psi-nan has altered ocmmon sense involving EVERYONE mind altered by the authro (except the MC) into being obsessed by number 100 and thinking it's normal for society to be centered around number 100 (and people think it'sn ormal everything costs 100 yens).

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