Anime/Game Items with a Hypnotic Twist
So, I had an idea similar to The Discount Hypno Shoppe. This idea was taking anime or game items and giving them a mind control twist. Others are welcome to add their own.
For this first post, I took the Henshin Rod from Sailor Moon and made some concepts of it with a hypnotic twist. Possession, corruption, brainwashing, hypnosis, etc.
Oh and a link to The Discount Hypno Shoppe thread for anyone interested.
Haunted Henshin Rod
A duplicate of Sailor Moon's Henshin Rod that is haunted by a former owner (Who may or may not be Sailor Moon). Using it to transform might get you possessed if your will isn't strong enough to resist the spirit taking over. The spirit gains power as the moon gets fuller and fuller. Transforming during a full moon is likely to get you possessed, even if you transform during the daytime before the moon rises. The spirit is powerless during the new moon, so if you get possessed, she might not give back your body until the next new moon. The spirit can't possess you if you don't transform, but will retain control of your body if she detransforms.
Corrupted Henshin Rod
A duplicate of Sailor Moon's Henshin Rod that has been corrupted by dark magic. Using it to transform might get you corrupted if your will isn't strong enough to resist the corruptive magic. The magic gains power as the moon gets less and less full. Transforming during a new moon is likely to get you corrupted into a dark magical girl. This can happen even if you transform during the daytime before the sunset. The magic loses its power during a full moon, so if you got corrupted, you will be purified when the full moon comes. The magic can't corrupt you if you don't transform, but if you get corrupted, the corruption sticks around if you detransform.
Cursed Henshin Rod
A duplicate of one of the Henshin Rods from Sailor Moon that has an odd curse on it. If one uses it, they will be turned into a duplicate of a Sailor Scout. The rod doesn't alter the user's age, so the user won't be turned into a child if they become Sailor Saturn. However, the rod's curse slowly brainwashes the transformed user into thinking that they're the Sailor Scout they transformed into. Stay transformed too long and you might never return to your old self without outside help.
Lunar Henshin Rod
A generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that has been cursed by a rather odd curse. Those who transform using this rod must make sure to never be transformed while under natural sunlight. Those who get exposed to sunlight while transformed are petrified until an hour after the sunlight stops shining on them. Petrified users enter a trance state while petrified and are quite suggestible. Thankfully, most suggestions wear off if the user detransforms.
Solar Henshin Rod
A generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that has been cursed by a rather odd curse. Those who transform using this rod must make sure to never be transformed while under natural moonlight. Those who get exposed to moonlight while transformed will slowly feel more and more tired until they fall into a magical trance. During this trance, the user appears to be asleep, but is highly suggestible. The magical trance won't end until an hour after moonlight stops shining on them. The suggestions taken in by the user during their magical trance fade over time, but will stick around if the user detransforms. If the user starts feeling oddly tired, they should detransform right away.
Cracked Henshin Rod
A generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that has a crack in the gem on the rod. This crack has a chance to cause the magical girl attacks to backfire and affect the transformed owner of the rod instead of whoever they targeted. This particular rod has attacks that have hypnotic effects. The crack might also cause other unintended side effects, user beware.
Secondhand Symbiote Henshin Rod
A type of generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that is actually a magical symbiote. The symbiote will grant you power, but can influence you if your will isn't strong enough. Someone with a weak will might end up being completely controlled by the symbiote. Being in contact with the rod can allow the symbiote to influence you. The costume the rod provides is part of the symbiote. The symbiote is usually influenced by their first host, so this rod's symbiote could be good, evil, or something in between.
For this first post, I took the Henshin Rod from Sailor Moon and made some concepts of it with a hypnotic twist. Possession, corruption, brainwashing, hypnosis, etc.
Oh and a link to The Discount Hypno Shoppe thread for anyone interested.
Haunted Henshin Rod
A duplicate of Sailor Moon's Henshin Rod that is haunted by a former owner (Who may or may not be Sailor Moon). Using it to transform might get you possessed if your will isn't strong enough to resist the spirit taking over. The spirit gains power as the moon gets fuller and fuller. Transforming during a full moon is likely to get you possessed, even if you transform during the daytime before the moon rises. The spirit is powerless during the new moon, so if you get possessed, she might not give back your body until the next new moon. The spirit can't possess you if you don't transform, but will retain control of your body if she detransforms.
Corrupted Henshin Rod
A duplicate of Sailor Moon's Henshin Rod that has been corrupted by dark magic. Using it to transform might get you corrupted if your will isn't strong enough to resist the corruptive magic. The magic gains power as the moon gets less and less full. Transforming during a new moon is likely to get you corrupted into a dark magical girl. This can happen even if you transform during the daytime before the sunset. The magic loses its power during a full moon, so if you got corrupted, you will be purified when the full moon comes. The magic can't corrupt you if you don't transform, but if you get corrupted, the corruption sticks around if you detransform.
Cursed Henshin Rod
A duplicate of one of the Henshin Rods from Sailor Moon that has an odd curse on it. If one uses it, they will be turned into a duplicate of a Sailor Scout. The rod doesn't alter the user's age, so the user won't be turned into a child if they become Sailor Saturn. However, the rod's curse slowly brainwashes the transformed user into thinking that they're the Sailor Scout they transformed into. Stay transformed too long and you might never return to your old self without outside help.
Lunar Henshin Rod
A generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that has been cursed by a rather odd curse. Those who transform using this rod must make sure to never be transformed while under natural sunlight. Those who get exposed to sunlight while transformed are petrified until an hour after the sunlight stops shining on them. Petrified users enter a trance state while petrified and are quite suggestible. Thankfully, most suggestions wear off if the user detransforms.
Solar Henshin Rod
A generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that has been cursed by a rather odd curse. Those who transform using this rod must make sure to never be transformed while under natural moonlight. Those who get exposed to moonlight while transformed will slowly feel more and more tired until they fall into a magical trance. During this trance, the user appears to be asleep, but is highly suggestible. The magical trance won't end until an hour after moonlight stops shining on them. The suggestions taken in by the user during their magical trance fade over time, but will stick around if the user detransforms. If the user starts feeling oddly tired, they should detransform right away.
Cracked Henshin Rod
A generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that has a crack in the gem on the rod. This crack has a chance to cause the magical girl attacks to backfire and affect the transformed owner of the rod instead of whoever they targeted. This particular rod has attacks that have hypnotic effects. The crack might also cause other unintended side effects, user beware.
Secondhand Symbiote Henshin Rod
A type of generic Magical Girl Henshin Rod that is actually a magical symbiote. The symbiote will grant you power, but can influence you if your will isn't strong enough. Someone with a weak will might end up being completely controlled by the symbiote. Being in contact with the rod can allow the symbiote to influence you. The costume the rod provides is part of the symbiote. The symbiote is usually influenced by their first host, so this rod's symbiote could be good, evil, or something in between.