Real question for the mods, should photorealistic AI art fall under the same rules that prevent real-person-manips? After all, the AI does base the image on photos of actual people so it can in fact spit out a real person's likeness that way.
We already had a now-deleted image a while ago that was an AI-generated Rihanna.
For clarification, I mean that the AI can spit out something based on a real person for a "photorealistic" image, whether it was prompted to specifically or not. It's to the point where you can genuinely not tell if it was or wasn't a real person.
I personally feel it's a bit icky privacy-wise every time I see a photorealistic AI image, for that reason.
I'm not a mod, but I think it depends if it's clearly meant to be a "deep-fake" or not. This one is still on the "clearly ai" side with the rendering, but this is approaching the line.
>> #555097
Score: 1 (vote Up)
We already had a now-deleted image a while ago that was an AI-generated Rihanna.
>> #555098
Score: 1 (vote Up)
I personally feel it's a bit icky privacy-wise every time I see a photorealistic AI image, for that reason.
>> #555100
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #555102
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #555119
Score: 0 (vote Up)