Now Viewing: body_paint

Tag type: General

A character is shown with parts of their body with painted markings or their entire body covered with a colored paint. The latter only counts if their skin is shown painted and their natural skin color is shown.

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Last updated: Mon, Dec 30 '24, 19:20 by RayX
This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit.

 afro ass_expansion before_and_after bimbofication body_paint brain_drain breast_expansion cleavage clown clownification coupytf doctor english_text face_paint female_only femsub hair_growth happy_trance huge_breasts instant_loss lab_coat long_hair makeup midriff navel orange_eyes orange_hair original pale_skin smile speech_bubble tattoo text tongue_out transformation very_long_hair  all_fours before_and_after body_paint butt_plug cat_pose comic empty_eyes femsub idpet loincloth nude pet_play unaware    black_hair blue_hair blush body_paint breast_expansion breasts clothed clown clown_girl clownification dialogue english_text femsub grimmydraws huge_breasts long_hair makeup nipples nude orange_eyes original pussy pussy_juice short_hair symbol_in_eyes text transformation wig  a_singular_fish arm_bands axe barbarian blue_hair body_paint bracelet breasts collarbone defeated enemy_conversion female_only femsub fingerless_gloves fire_emblem fire_emblem_awakening gloves grey_background hoodie horns hypnovember long_hair looking_at_viewer lucina necklace nintendo nipples red_eyes skull small_breasts solo tattoo topless weapon  blue_hair blush body_paint body_writing breasts buttermagarin dancing female_only femsub long_hair nefertari_vivi nipples nude one_piece paint pussy solo spiral spiral_background  body_paint clothed_exposure dez_the_salandit empty_eyes femsub human_furniture idpet nude original text

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