06/02/21 05:06AM
Opening Emergency(ish) writing comms! (SEE BOTTOM POST FOR DETAILS)

Okay everyone! So today marks the first day of the “Mindcollector13 Writing Commissions Extravaganza!”™

I’ll be opening limited slots for writing commissions (5 for now. I’ll keep an “out of 5” counter at the bottom so you can watch live as they fill up… or don’t.)

What’s that? You have questions? Don’t worry. I probably have answers.

How will this work?

Simple. You contact me with your general idea. I.E. “My general idea is that Misty gets hypnotized to be a seel”

From here, I’ll determine if I’m willing to take the idea based on these smaller descriptions. The reason for this is because I don’t want to waste your time having you write out a big-ass explanation if I’m not going to take it.

From here, you’ll send me your full outline of what you want. BE AS SPECIFIC AS YOU CAN. Now, at this stage I MAY still shoot you down if I find your concept is a bit too crazy / difficult / etc compared to your general idea.

Once I accept, I’ll get writing! Once your commission is done, I’ll contact you with the price. You pay me via Paypal, and I send it over

From here, read through it! You are allowed ONE chance to ask for corrections.

If I make corrections, you’ll have to pay for the addition… most of the time. More below

What do you mean corrections? How will these work?

If you see something that you expressly mentioned that I missed, I’ll add it for free. So if you say “Lola does a belly dance” and I somehow managed to miss that, I’ll add it in and send a revision.

If you get it and say something like “I’d like scene X to be more descriptive” or “Can we have a conversation between characters A and B here?”, I’ll do it, but you’ll be charged for the addition

These changes must also be REASONABLE. I will not be writing an extra 3000 words in a 3000 word story, nor will I be doing something like a complete rewrite

There is also a reasonably expected window for these. You have 24 hours to make your change requests. I will not be going back 4 months later and making changes.

How much will these cost, Mr. Mindcollector?

These stories will cost 1.5 cents per word! (rounded up) What does that mean? It means a 1000 word story will be $15. A 1001 word story will be $15.02.

Can I set a price limit?

Sure! If you can only afford to spend $15, I’ll write you a 1000(ish) word story. That said, don’t expect it to be amazing if you want a lot of events to happen in 1000 words.

Where can I see examples of your writing?

Check the bottom of this post for links to Writing.com to see my previous commissions!

What are you/aren’t you willing to write?

To make this easier, I’m going to just say “Hypnosis” here for the “will write”. I’d like everything to be hypnosis/mind control themed. I’m open to basically everything that ISN’T in the following bit here…

(things with * have some exceptions. See the bottom of this section for more)
Direct or indirect mocking, bullying, etc of characters*
Use of OC’s you do not own (without consent of owner)
Inflation / WG
Subject to additional uh… additions to this list


Malesub: I am willing to do Malesub as long as it isn’t the focus. If you want a story where Chi-Chi and Goku go to couples counseling and both get hypnotized, I’m fine with that as long as Chi-Chi is the focus. Goku may be used as a sort of… let’s say “prop” to an extent

Mocking or Bullying of characters: I'm willing to write it if it's in character for a character to be mean. So, if you want a scene of Vegeta being... well... Vegeta. Then that's fine. If you want some darker name-calling of a character (slut, skank, whore, etc) that's also fine. But I'm not writing a story that exists just for the purpose of being mean to a character.

Violence: I won’t write direct violence against characters. So if you want a story of Ochaco Uraraka getting hypnotized, I won’t have her go out and start beating down / killing random civilians. HOWEVER if you want, say, a scene of All-Might fighting a villain, I’d be willing to add it in as long as it’s not the main focus of the story.

Furry: I’ll do stories for more anthro girls. So, Lola Bunny, Carmelita Fox, Minerva Mink, etc. I won’t do a story about the titular “Lady” of Lady and the Tramp because well… she’s literally just a dog.

So what happens if you don’t know the material?

Well, it depends on how little I know about it, and how much that’s going to matter.

For example, I have only seen like the first 50 episodes of One Piece back when they first aired. I know pretty much all the characters by name, but I know very little about the lore, story, their personalities, etc. So odds are I won’t be able to write a story about One Piece. BUT you can still ask. If it’s something I feel will require minimal research I may still take it. But don’t expect me to, ya’know, watch all 1000 episodes of One Piece.

What happens if I want to cancel?

If I haven’t started your story, cancelling is fine. If I HAVE started, you’ll be expected to pay for what I have done. If you do, I’ll send you what has been completed. You may request a continuation in the future, which will cost the full price. So, let’s say I write 1000 words, and the story is half done, and you cancel. You’ll be expected to pay $15. If you ask me to continue it later, you’ll be expected to pay for the original 1000 again, and the additional 1000 added. Why? Because it’s an inconvenience to have to do this.

If you DO NOT pay for what has been written, you will not get the work in progress, nor will I accept commissions from you in the future

How long will it take me to get my story?

I’m going to be honest, this isn't a primary means of income for me. It's meant to get me a little extra spending money. So my daily life comes first. That said, I know how frustrating it can be to commission something and just not have it get done. As such, the length it will take will depend on the length of the story overall, and my daily life. I sincerely doubt it’ll take more than a week or two. BUT if a story is taking longer than expected from the start time I will let you know. I will also let you know when I’m starting your story! So, a week or two from the start time.

Can I post this story anywhere?

Of course! Just be sure you credit me, and link this forum post here!

Will YOU be posting these?

I may! You can request to have yourself listed as an anonymous commissioner. And for an extra $5, your commission can be made private. Meaning for that additional money I will not post it anywhere! It will be yours exclusively!

I have more questions sir! Where do I ask?

Just ask in this little forum post here, or email me at [email protected]!

This sounds great, how should I contact you?

Just send me a message here on the Hub! If slots are open, you get one! First come, first served!

Everything here is subject to change. If prices are changed to be lower, I will refund the difference to you. If raised, you will not be charged more. Nor will you be charged more if I’m in the middle of writing your story

So, let’s get writing, yeah?

Works Completed

Persona: A Conventional Caper

Danganronpa: To Repair Despair

RWBY: A Reprogrammed Rose
06/02/21 11:41PM
So after a bit of talking with commissioners I decided to make a sort of list of franchises that I'm familiar with (and willing to write about, content depending) for the sake of making things easier.

Now, just because a series isn't on this list doesn't mean I won't do it. If it's a simple enough commission I may still be willing. Also, this clearly won't be a comprehensive list of every series I've seen. But you'll know that picking these series /specific entries is a safer bet


My Hero Academia
Death Note
Yu-Gi-Oh (up through GX)
Avatar the Last Airbender (yes, I'm counting it as Anime. No, I haven't seen Korra)
Fairy Tail (up through the Battle of Fairy Tail arc)

Fairly Oddparents
Jimmy Neutron
Danny Phantom
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Teen Titans
Phineas and Ferb
Helluva Boss

Persona (3-5)
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Dragon Quest (XI only)
Sonic (to an extent)
The Witcher
Stardew Valley
Soul Calibur
Final Fantasy (primarily 7)
Saints Row
Devil May Cry
Sly Cooper
Fire Emblem (Three Houses only)
Most First Party Nintendo Titles
Xenoblade Chronicles 1

06/22/21 02:49AM
My first round of commissions is officially done, with 4 of the 5 slots taken in the end!

I'll be posting three of the works below my original post here for your viewing pleasure, and all non-private ones will be there in the future.
10/22/21 07:00PM
Hello everyone!

I'm reopening commissions for anyone interested. I am a bit on the busy side, so there will be 3 slots open.

Also, I have recently started watching Fairy Tail (I'm in the Battle of Fairy Tail arc) and honestly, I'm in the mood to write some FT stuff.


I'm offering a 10% discount on the final cost if it's a Fairy Tail commission, and 15% off the final cost if the main hypnotized woman is either Cana or Erza!

Similarly, I've just beaten Xenoblade Chronicles 1. 10% of A Xenoblade 1 story, and 15% off for Sharla!

If you want a slot, send me a note!

(0/3 slots taken)
12/27/21 10:32AM
Alright. Last time flopped so let's try this again.


And there's a special holiday discount. 10% of all stories that are holiday themed. Doesn't have to be Christmas or New Years but like... I'm curious why someone would be thinking about Independence Day in the middle of winter.

Anyway, hit me up here via direct message if you want in!

4 slots open!
06/22/22 06:06PM
Welp, now that I have some time on my hands commissions are reopening.

Just shoot me a message here.

Slots... Idk. I never fill em so I'll just take what is sent.
12/18/22 03:22AM
Alrighty. So. I'm changing how this stuff works.

The Hub's renovated message system doesn't like me. Sometimes I'll get a message and be greeted by a banner so large and obnoxious the Hulk would be jealous.

Other times the banner doesn't appear and I just don't reply to people because I don't realize I have messages.

Soooooo from now on, all comms will run through Gmail. [email protected]

IF YOU ARE EXPECTING A COMMISSION / CURRENTLY INQUIRING please send me an email saying who you are and what your story is.

Currently I know I have a story confirmed to work on, and a couple people interested. So fire me off an email if you would. Much easier to converse that way.
12/18/22 12:07PM
My question is why the hell are you using writing.com of all places?
12/18/22 06:37PM
eldomtom2 said:
My question is why the hell are you using writing.com of all places?

I mean, it's just where I'm throwing some of my completed stuff, and honestly I'm pretty bad at that, too.

It's just that my other options are like... DA and I can't really upload there. Don't really feel I could responsibly do something like a Patreon either.

It's basically just for archival.

Actual finished commissions are sent via docs for the commissioner to keep for themselves.
12/18/22 07:10PM
Once I save up some money, I'll probobly toss a comm over.
12/18/22 11:09PM
Mindcollector13 said:
eldomtom2 said:
My question is why the hell are you using writing.com of all places?

I mean, it's just where I'm throwing some of my completed stuff, and honestly I'm pretty bad at that, too.

It's just that my other options are like... DA and I can't really upload there. Don't really feel I could responsibly do something like a Patreon either.

It's basically just for archival.

Actual finished commissions are sent via docs for the commissioner to keep for themselves.

There's AO3...
12/18/23 01:48AM
Opening Emergency(ish) writing comms!
Hey all

So it's been... well, a while since I opened commissions or even wrote anything at all.

Buuuuuut I recently lost the ol' job, leaving me with no income. Now, I have enough to get by for a bit, but I have no idea if I'll have a new job in a few weeks, or a few months. Obviously this leaves me in kind of a pickle.

Sooooo I'm reopening my commissions indefinitely. This will effectively be "my job" until an actual new opportunity comes along.

And with that, I am offering something special for this round. Firstly, there is NOT a slot limit. I'm not gonna say I'm only taking X number of commissions because I do need at least some kind of flow.

Second, my old email is now defunct - has been for a while, soooo any commission inquiries will go to a brand spankin' new email address, [email protected]

And finally, because these are sort of kind of not quite "emergency" comms to build up some more cushion for my unemployed ass, I'll be offering the following discounts. A special character, and special content discount.

Special Character Discount: A focus on any of the following characters shall grant unto thee a 2%-5% discount on the final price...

Yang Xiao-Long (RWBY)
Winter Schnee (RWBY)
Willow Schnee (RWBY)
Alisa Reinford (Trails of Cold Steel)
Claire Rieveldt (Trails of Cold Steel)
Sara Valestine (Trails of Cold Steel)
Estelle Bright (Trails in the Sky)
Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Cana Alberona (Fairy Tail)
Delia Ketchum (Pokemon)
Nemona (Pokemon)
Nessa (Pokemon)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
Sae Nijimai (Persona 5)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Android 18 (Dragonball)
Momo Yaoyorozu (MHA)
Ochaco Uraraka (MHA)
Mirko (MHA)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Komaru Naegi (Danganronpa)
Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE: Three Houses)
Petra Macneary (FE: Three Houses)
Shamir Nevrand (FE: Three Houses)
Ivy (FE: Engage)
Yunaka (FE: Engage)
Nel (FE: Engage)
Tifa Lockhart (FF7/7R)
Sam, Clover, or Alex (Totally Spies)
Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)

Special Content Discount: If your commission focuses on any of the following content, you'll be awarded a 2%-5% discount.

Pet Play
Stage hypnosis
Role play
Humorous Humiliation

Now you may be wondering... a 2%-5% discount? How does that work?

Well, by itself one of these options is 5%. Together they are 7%. For example, a story focusing on Alisa, but not using any of my special content, will be 5%. A story focusing on stage hypnosis but not using any of my selected characters will be 5%. But a story about Alisa AND stage hypnosis goes to 7%

(All percentages are rounded to the nearest dollar in your favor)

Also, you cannot compound two of the same discount. A stage show with pet play? That's only 5%. A story about Alisa and Sara? Only 5%. But a stage show with Alisa? That's 7%. Just because if they DID compound I'd basically be making free stories for the more creative members of this lovely land.

So anyway. Yeah. That is, as Kim Possible says, "the sitch". Questions, comments, or to discuss a commission, hit up [email protected].

Also I've started up a Deviantart account where I'll be throwing my works up. www.deviantart.com/mc13writes

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