03/06/24 12:38PM
links in comments are just broken now, regardless of user status. a side-effect of turning off anonymous commenting
03/06/24 08:25PM
loganblast39 said:
links in comments are just broken now, regardless of user status. a side-effect of turning off anonymous commenting

Ah, okay. Makes sense. Thanks for informing me and have a great spring break!
03/13/24 10:34PM
Can we do something about the blacklist bug?
When you upload a picture it randomly get blacklisted and don't show up on the main page. The duration can be seconds, minutes or hours.
03/23/24 06:20PM
Posts are showing blacklisted even though i have nothing on my blacklisted list
This sucks
04/19/24 08:54PM
Since the clocks changed in the UK a few weeks back I'm seeing odd behaviour. If I leave a comment/forums thread I'll see it's updated field being set to "In an hour" and it'll count down for the first hour
04/20/24 02:38AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Since the clocks changed in the UK a few weeks back I'm seeing odd behaviour. If I leave a comment/forums thread I'll see it's updated field being set to "In an hour" and it'll count down for the first hour

That's the userscript, not the website. It's something I'm hoping to fix soon-ish.
04/20/24 03:51PM
Something wonky happened with the preview image of #202908, showing only half of the image, and distorted at that, at least on my end. I flagged it thinking the image itself got corrupted or I uploaded the wrong one, but looking at the original image, I realized it's fine.

For some reason, whatever the site is using to make previews and thumbnails confuses one half of the image for all of it.

In fairness, it Could be a result of how imagemagick's horizontal append command works(I've been using vertical for a while, it goes through fine), or a combination of that and the picture's size. I'll hold off on uploading images I've stacked horizontally in case this is something on my end. Please inform.
05/19/24 06:16AM
Submitting tags with newline chars causes phantom tags
To replicate the bug, when editing a post, have a newline between two tags. For example "zqx
xqz" (note the line break is included).

The expected result is that the line break is treated as a separator and the tags "zqx" and "xqz" are added.
The current behaviour is the line break results in the tag "zqx\r\nxqz" being added instead. The backslashes are removed when displaying the post so the tag appearing to the user on the post page is "zqxrnxqz".

This is a problem since removing this tag "zqxrnxqz" does not decrement the count of the tag "zqx\r\nxqz", causing it to show up in tag suggestions even though it is not a valid tag.

This bug appeared before in the old hub and new hub yes, but back then removing "zqxrnxqz" correctly decrements the count of tag "zqx\r\nxqz". My guess is that this issue appeared after the site backend change back in December 2023.

PS On that note there are a lot of phantom tags left behind since the site migrate. Just look at the tags page and sort by total count in ascending order. Mods and (apparently) admins cannot fix this issue. Maybe you can delete those phantom tags as well.
06/01/24 08:30AM
Hypnorgasm recommended I post this in two places.

Lots of people are reporting images being arbitrarily marked as being on their blacklist when that is not the case.


It happens to older uploads I've already looked at with no issue, it happens to fresh uploads, it happens to my own uploads. Sometimes it lasts for about a minute, other times the same image will be blocked apparently indefinitely.

Some testing indicates the problem is dependent on the browser you are using.(I got no proof of this, all I did was check in other browsers and found no issues there). Firefox seems to be having this problem, while the android version of chrome doesn't.

Here's a tag search with Firefox:

Same tag search with Android Chrome:

I'm logged into my account in both cases.

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