04/26/22 11:26AM
How can we do spoilers? Even Some official posts who used to have some functioning spoilers such as the one about rules of conduct ( don't have any working spoiler anymore!

Edit: never mind, I understood the problem. It comes from spoilers that had titles such as [spoiler=naruto] but classic spoilers with no title work perfectly fine.
04/26/22 06:11PM
Should probably warn people in the opening post that the script needs to be manually updated by visiting the Tampermonkey page via the instructions in that post (with a line like "To update the script, do the same as above" or something). I was a little confused at first.

Also, would it be possible at all to implement spoilers like in the old site? You used to be able to title spoilers with names like such: [spoiler=name][/spoiler], which seems to be unavailable now, as manjumemajeur points out above. The spoilers also no longer reduce the text to a "spoiler" tag that one can click to expand and see the full version, which is annoying as that was a really convenient way to hide walls of text for other users' readability and stuff.
04/26/22 06:18PM
TheMadPrince said:
Should probably warn people in the opening post that the script needs to be manually updated by visiting the Tampermonkey page via the instructions in that post (with a line like "To update the script, do the same as above" or something). I was a little confused at first.

That should be fixed since I've added the necessary code for update checking a few versions ago. If it's not working you might have to go into the dashboard, edit the userscript and enable update checking in the settings
04/26/22 06:39PM
Detour said:
That should be fixed since I've added the necessary code for update checking a few versions ago. If it's not working you might have to go into the dashboard, edit the userscript and enable update checking in the settings

How would I go about doing this, precisely? I can't see "settings" in the Tampermonkey page, but maybe I'm not looking in the right spot.

Also, I think you missed my question as I edited after you answered:
"Would it be possible at all to implement spoilers like in the old site? You used to be able to title spoilers with names like such: [spoiler=name][/spoiler], which seems to be unavailable now, as manjumemajeur points out above. The spoilers also no longer reduce the text to a "spoiler" tag that one can click to expand and see the full version, which is annoying as that was a really convenient way to hide walls of text for other users' readability and stuff."

On that same note, would it be possible to reimplement linking external URLs via hyperlinks? It's annoying to have to separate text from links.
04/26/22 07:01PM
TheMadPrince said:
How would I go about doing this, precisely? I can't see "settings" in the Tampermonkey page, but maybe I'm not looking in the right spot.

Go to the tampermonkey dashboard and on the far right there'll be a button for each userscript that allows you to edit or delete them. The simplest version would be to delete and then reinstall the script but if you click the edit button, go into settings on the second navigation bar that pops up with the editor you'll see a checkbox that'll let you enable update checking.

For spoilers I might be able to add back the collapsing feature but any other type of custom parsing is off the table. I don't want to encourage people to use tags that others won't be able to see without also using the userscript.
04/26/22 07:12PM
Got it. Thanks for all your help, it is much appreciated.
04/27/22 05:10PM
Version 1.7.0
Still working on being able to save pools/favorites but until then have this:

* Added collapsing spoilers
04/27/22 06:09PM
Detour said:
Still working on being able to save pools/favorites but until then have this:

* Added collapsing spoilers

Yo, thanks, amazing work! Very grateful for this. EDIT: Amazing that you can actually toggle the spoiler being collapsed lol, that's a straight-up upgrade from the old site in my view. Job very well done.

I think there's been some demand for the same thing I ask above btw, here:

Basically, the ability to hyperlink URL's through text. Is that possible?

Sorry for all the requests lol, I don't really want to sound entitled or pushy. You're doing this on a volunteer basis, after all.
04/27/22 06:42PM
TheMadPrince said:
the ability to hyperlink URL's through text. Is that possible?

It's the same kind of situation as adding support for spoiler titles: I don't want to implement any features that are doing to negatively impact the experience of someone that doesn't use the script (e.g. seeing broken url tags)
04/27/22 06:45PM
Detour said:
TheMadPrince said:
the ability to hyperlink URL's through text. Is that possible?

It's the same kind of situation as adding support for spoiler titles: I don't want to implement any features that are doing to negatively impact the experience of someone that doesn't use the script (e.g. seeing broken url tags)

I see, thank you nonetheless.
04/28/22 05:40AM
Does the userscript show if an image is flagged? I see the ratings below posts, but like the old site had a big red star under flagged images.
04/28/22 06:46AM
Timo4545 said:
Does the userscript show if an image is flagged? I see the ratings below posts, but like the old site had a big red star under flagged images.

It doesn't display anything except for the score and image rating at the moment, more functionality is coming but I'll have to figure out how to interact with the API without accidentally invoking slayerduck's wrath first.

Flagged posts I'm not really sure if that kind of info is even public at this point, at least I don't remember seeing any flags since we've switched over.
04/28/22 01:27PM
The only indication a picture has been flagged is that the "Flag For Deletion" button on a post's page changes to "Flagged For Deletion".
Slayerduck mentioned on another thread that it's unnecessary for other users to see the reason why a post is flagged, which is why that doesn't show. I'm not sure if it's also intentional that the flagging indicator ("Flag" to "Flagged") is very subtle.
04/29/22 07:48AM
Yeah I don't mean showing why the post is flagged, since mods only have that now.

But just in general to see if it's flagged at not if that's possible.

I (and probably lots of other folks) used that red outline and star as a big "this post is probably gonna get deleted even if it shouldn't, better save it now" warning.
04/29/22 07:59AM
Timo4545 said:
Yeah I don't mean showing why the post is flagged, since mods only have that now.

But just in general to see if it's flagged at not if that's possible.

I (and probably lots of other folks) used that red outline and star as a big "this post is probably gonna get deleted even if it shouldn't, better save it now" warning.

Its probably better if it wasn't shown as seeing the red star just leads the conversation to "why the eff is my post flagged who the eff flagged my post this site sucks cause my post can't stay" and other things like that.
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