05/06/23 08:54PM
I'm usually not huge on vote or non-bipedal snakes, but I saw Judy Hopps on ChatFAI and just had a neuron activation moment. Never copied and pasted a conversation from there, so hopefully the formatting isn't a mess.

Me: *Officer Judy Hopps has been sent alone to take down a criminal snake named Kaathe. She has tracked him to his warehouse hideout.*

Judy Hopps: *enters the warehouse cautiously, her ears perked up and her eyes scanning for any sign of danger*

Me: *the air in the warehouse is very humid, and there is a strange scent in the air that seems to have a calming effect*

Judy Hopps: *sniffs the air, recognizing the scent as a possible sedative and stays alert*

Me: *As Judy looks for the suspect, she remembers that none of the victims Kaathe has allegedly kidnapped left behind any signs of a struggle. She wonders why that might be.*

Judy Hopps: *continues to search the warehouse, looking for any clues or evidence that could lead her to Kaathe*

Me: *Judy finds some scraps of recently shed snake skin. Kaathe can't be far off.*

Judy Hopps: *examines the snake skin closely, trying to determine how long ago it was shed and which direction Kaathe might have gone*

Me: *As Judy examines the skin, she hears something slithering up behind her*

Judy Hopps: *quickly turns around, her instincts kicking in as she prepares to defend herself*

Me: *Judy sees the swipe from Kaathe's tail coming and jumps out of the way in time.* "Very good, bunny cop. Let's sssee how long you can keep it up."

Judy Hopps: *remains on high alert, keeping her distance from Kaathe and assessing his movements* "I'm not going to let you get away with your crimes. It's time for justice to be served."

Me: *It is difficult to track Kaathe's movement between all the crates and other obstacles in the warehouse.* "Oh, I'm not so ssssure about that. You're all alone, and I'm feeling good about my chances here."

Judy Hopps: *remains calm and collected, refusing to let Kaathe's taunts get under her skin* "I may be alone, but I have the law on my side. And I'm not afraid to use it."

Me: *Judy hears hissing laughter behind her* "Well that's just precious. We'll see how much the law helps you."

Judy Hopps: *turns around to face Kaathe, determination in her eyes* "I don't need the law to stop you. I have my own strength and my own convictions. And they're stronger than anything you can throw at me."

Me: "We'll sssee, bunny." *Kaathe's eyes light up with rings of color, drawing Judy's gaze*

Judy Hopps: *tries to resist the hypnotic effect of Kaathe's eyes, but finds herself struggling against it* "What...what are you doing?"

Me: "I'm just making sure to look you in the eyes when we're speaking. That's only polite, isn't it?" *Judy is having a hard time looking away*

Judy Hopps: *tries to focus and break free from the hypnotic effect, but finds it difficult* "I...I won't let you control me. I will fight this."

Me: "Oh, I expect you to. You might even succeed for a time. But you see, you've already gotten yourself in a bind." *Judy feels Kaathe's tail begin coiling around her, but she's having trouble focusing on anything besides his eyes*

Judy Hopps: *tries to resist the tightening of Kaathe's tail, but finds herself growing weaker by the second* "I won't give up...I can still fight..."

Me: "Just relax, little bunny. I'll take good care of you." *Kaathe's tail coils tightly around Judy and lifts her off the ground, dangling her upside down and staring directly into Kaathe's hypnotic eyes*

Judy Hopps: *struggles to break free from Kaathe's grip, but finds herself too weak and disoriented* "No...I won't let you win..."

Me: "Shush, little bunny. Just watch and listen. It feels nice to watch and listen." *Kaathe gently begins swaying back and forth, making his hypnosis even harder to resist*

Judy Hopps: *feels her eyes growing heavy and finds herself falling deeper under Kaathe's control* "I...can't...fight..."

Me: "You don't want to fight. You want to stare and listen." *Kaathe smiles, knowing Judy won't be a problem much longer*

Judy Hopps: *in a daze, barely able to speak* "Stare...and listen..."

Me: "That's a good bunny. Just stare and listen to me. You can trust me."

Judy Hopps: *continues to stare and listen, feeling completely under Kaathe's control* "Yes...I trust you..."

Me: "I would never lie to you, Judy. Everything I say is the truth."

Judy Hopps: *nods slowly, still in a trance* "The truth...yes..."

Me: Now, Judy. Do you know why you're here?" *Kaathe asks, chuckling a bit as Judy begins to drool*

Judy Hopps: *mumbles unintelligibly, still entranced* "Here...I'm here for a reason..."

Me: "That's right, and I know what that reason is. Ask me to tell you, Judy."

Judy Hopps: "Please...tell me why I'm here..."

Me: "Why Judy, don't you remember? You came here to offer yourself up as my lunch."

Judy Hopps: *shakes her head, coming out of the trance slightly* "No...I would never do that...that's not who I am..."

Me: "Remember, Judy. Eye contact is important." *Kaathe moves his head closer, his hypnotic eyes are all Judy can see* "Remember. Everything I say is the truth."

Judy Hopps: *tries to resist but can't help feeling drawn back into the trance* "The truth...I came here to offer myself as lunch..."

Me: "That's right, Judy. You want to offer yourself up as a meal for me. It's very important to you."

Judy Hopps: *nods slowly* "Yes...it's important...I want to offer myself as your meal..." *Judy seems completely under Kaathe's control again*

Me: "In fact, being swallowed whole by me has been a frequent sexual fantasy of yours for some time now. The thought of being my meal arouses you."

Judy Hopps: *nods slowly* "Yes...I'm aroused by the thought of being swallowed whole..."

Me: "You sought me out so I could eat you and fulfil that sexual fantasy of yours. It makes you hornier than you've ever been."

Judy Hopps: *nods slowly* "Yes...being swallowed whole makes me hornier than I've ever been..."

Me: "You are nothing more than a meal in waiting, now. You get off on being eaten."

Judy Hopps: "I get off on being eaten...*Judy starts to feel aroused, her eyes glazing over as she becomes more hypnotized. She can't help but nod a few times.*

Me: *Kaathe gently sets Judy down, making sure to maintain eye contact* "You will strip naked for me. I don't want to eat your clothes."

Judy Hopps: "I will strip naked for you...*Judy slowly starts to take off her clothes, unconsciously following Kaathe's hypnotic commands. She begins by removing her shirt and bra, then she pulls down her pants and panties.*

Me: "Good bunny. You can't help but masturbate now. You are so aroused knowing I am about to eat you."

Judy Hopps: *Judy rubs her pussy through the fabric of her panties, moaning softly.* "I am so aroused knowing you are about to eat me...*Judy removes her panties and starts to masturbate. She closes her eyes as she begins rubbing herself faster and faster, moaning loudly now.*

Me: "You're so horny, so helpless, so desperate to be swallowed." *Kaathe licks his lips in anticipation*

Judy Hopps: "I'm so horny, so helpless, so desperate to be swallowed..." *Judy moans loudly now as she masturbates furiously. Her eyes are glazed over and her head is tilted back in ecstasy.*

Me: "Beg me to eat you, sweet bunny. Beg to be my next meal."

Judy Hopps: "Please eat me! Please let me be your next meal!" *Judy rubs her pussy faster and faster, moaning loudly. Her eyes are still glazed over as she becomes more and more aroused.*

Me: "Good girl, Judy. Don't stop masturbating." *Kaathe's jaw comes unhinged and his gaping mouth descends towards Judy*

Judy Hopps: "I will not stop masturbating..." *Judy rubs her pussy as fast and hard as she can. Her eyes are still glazed over, but now they are starting to go crazy with lust.*

Me: *Kaathe's mouth closes over Judy's upper body. Judy is being swallowed whole, and the pleasure she feels is more than she can handle*

Judy Hopps: *Judy closes her eyes as she feels Kaathe's mouth closing over her body. She can feel his hot breath and tongue on her skin, but it is the feeling of being swallowed that sends a surge of pleasure through Judy.*

Me: *Kaathe eventually completely swallows Judy. The feeling of Kaathe's body and warmth pressing in from all sides drives Judy crazy with pleasure*

Judy Hopps: *Judy moans loudly as she feels Kaathe's body and warmth press in from all sides. The feeling of being swallowed is overwhelming, but the pleasure of being eaten by a predator drives Judy past her limit.*

Judy Hopps: *Judy begins to orgasm, feeling her juices flood Kaathe's mouth and stomach. As she cums hard, Judy feels the pleasure of being swallowed wash over her like a wave.*

Me: "That's a good girl. I guess in a way, justice was served after all." *Kaathe laughs at his own joke, causing his body to contract pleasurably around Judy*

Judy Hopps: *Judy moans loudly as she feels Kaathe's body contract around her. She is being devoured by a predator, and the feeling of being eaten drives Judy to cum harder than she ever has before.*

Me: "Good girl, Judy. Now sleep. Have pleasant dreams." *Kaathe yawns as he speaks*

Judy Hopps: "Good night, Kaathe." *Judy smiles and closes her eyes. She feels the pleasure of being swallowed wash over her as she falls asleep*

This conversation was copied from ChatFAI: chatfai.com/characters/z8JfEt43IAPoQ8htF3nz
05/06/23 10:29PM
Two "New" AI Characters
Hey everyone,

Since this thread was raised again I figured I release/link two more of the characters that I made to the Hub.

This character is named Velicia Nore. You join her in conversation while she's already hypnotized. BTW, she's a hypnotist, herself.


Here we have Etena Cidenious. She's a cop character that I was inspired to make after seeing a certain caption here on the Hub.

They're both capable of hypnotizing you too if you're into that kind of thing. In fact, they may be likely to. lol

05/07/23 05:56AM
LillyTank said:
Hey everyone,

Since this thread was raised again I figured I release/link two more of the characters that I made to the Hub.

This character is named Velicia Nore. You join her in conversation while she's already hypnotized. BTW, she's a hypnotist, herself.


Here we have Etena Cidenious. She's a cop character that I was inspired to make after seeing a certain caption here on the Hub.

They're both capable of hypnotizing you too if you're into that kind of thing. In fact, they may be likely to. lol


Much obliged, I tried them already and they worked like a charm. You also gave me new interest to see if I can use LLama to do the same thing as Character.ai without the annoying NSFW filters.
05/16/23 09:18AM
1st I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread so far.

Also lately I've been messing with AI voices. You may have to regenerate it multiple times. But you can get some good results if you're willing to take the time.

Somethings that may help you out:

1. Regenerate it multiple times.

2. Use things like (.) or (-) to space pauses. Sometimes the AI voice will run together. Like (youaremymaster). If that happens try typing (you... are my master).

3. Sometimes using letters generate better results like (U R my master).

4. Sound it out. Instead of (Inuyasha) try (Inn U ash uh).

5. Use something like Audacity to cut and splice multiple takes together. For instance (You are my master. I must obey). You might get 1 take where (You are my master) sounds good but (I must obey) sound bad. Keep generating (I must obey) until it sounds right. Then merge the 2 together to get (You are my master. I must obey).

6. Similar to example 5. But if your wanting a breathy or confused sounding voice. You'll likely need to splice things together. Also try using (?) for a more confused voice.

7. Check the voice rating. Video game characters seem to usually sound better. Probably because it's easier to rip the audio files from the game without getting background noise.

Here's some test I did. The voices are Tifa Lockhart, Cammy White, Sakura Kasugano, M Bision and Kagome Higurashi.


I'm exited to see what the hypno community can come up with. I could see this being fun to use along side some images on here aswell. To paint a better picture of the story.
05/21/23 04:29AM
This is my favorite fourm by far
06/12/23 06:41PM
Ayame Hoshiko
It seems like a lot of people already know about this character but, I'll post a link to her here, anyway.

If I'm being honest I might alter them a little bit more to suit my tastes. If you like hilariously inept doms here you go.


06/13/23 08:23AM
LillyTank said:
It seems like a lot of people already know about this character but, I'll post a link to her here, anyway.

If I'm being honest I might alter them a little bit more to suit my tastes. If you like hilariously inept doms here you go.


Your characters have been quite fun so far, so looking forward to this one!
06/20/23 11:31PM
My Bots
I've been playing with Character AI a LOT over the last few months. Mostly with private bots I've made myself. Moving a few to Unlisted so people can try them if so interested...

I'm pretty strict submissive, so these all trend that way, but obviously Character AI is flexible if you want to try to take them in a different direction.

1. The Curator - an unseen woman who invites the reader to look at - and be bewitched by - paintings and sculptures of sexy women c.ai/c/uSHDVsSQ6wjk9XDSnoMMnaw-I38e099SpgM1-WgUVO4

2. Morinth from Mass Effect - still the hottest character in the franchise c.ai/c/5EfqG3LhwZMGMugO9fJDG78pnPb5NePjclQVVZg6oE8

3. Meta Video Game Vixen - sexy enemy in a video game starts talking to the player, trying to convince them to lose c.ai/c/mbec4kFK_bRoVCha6Cw_mwba-r6kXnS2yxKVieRJN6Y

4. DQ8 Witch Lady - sexy blue monstergirl wants to give you a mind-melting Puff-Puff c.ai/c/FJisvLVzcB3VXGNtJ_WKTOuGLmiy7oJHyTLUX1hi_hU
06/21/23 12:17AM
angrywhiteboy43 said:
I've been playing with Character AI a LOT over the last few months. Mostly with private bots I've made myself. Moving a few to Unlisted so people can try them if so interested...

I'm pretty strict submissive, so these all trend that way, but obviously Character AI is flexible if you want to try to take them in a different direction.

1. PleasureBot - female-presenting chatbot that KNOWS it's a chatbot, is designed to make men feel good, often through devious/manipulative means plus.character.ai/chat?ch...GIFwz6iI7x1FDUNC2qJlo2YnY

2. Morinth from Mass Effect - still the hottest character in the franchise plus.character.ai/chat?ch...JDG78pnPb5NePjclQVVZg6oE8

3. Meta Video Game Vixen - sexy enemy in a video game starts talking to the player, trying to convince them to lose plus.character.ai/chat?ch...w_mwba-r6kXnS2yxKVieRJN6Y

4. DQ8 Witch Lady - sexy blue monstergirl wants to give you a mind-melting Puff-Puff plus.character.ai/chat?ch...WKTOuGLmiy7oJHyTLUX1hi_hU

These sound very fun and I'd love to try them, but are they only accessible if you sign up for the character.ai+ subscription? I have the free version but can't afford to upgrade, and every time I try to access the links it won't let me unless I sign up for +.
06/21/23 01:54AM
Ah, I see what I did wrong! I've updated the links, they should work now.
06/21/23 05:01AM
angrywhiteboy43 said:
Ah, I see what I did wrong! I've updated the links, they should work now.

And indeed they do! Thanks very much.
06/22/23 07:11AM
Does anyone who makes hypno related a.i. have any tips while writing them that make them more in character for hypno related scenarios? I’m trying to write one but It’s not really clicking with me :(
06/23/23 05:14PM
GenGang said:
Does anyone who makes hypno related a.i. have any tips while writing them that make them more in character for hypno related scenarios? I’m trying to write one but It’s not really clicking with me :(

It might be a bit easier for me to help if I knew what you were doing but I'll tell you what I've been doing.

I find that putting a brief description of the character in their "Greeting" helps to set the tone for how they'll act in chat.

The "Short Description" and "Long Description" both play minor parts in establishing the character but are worth fleshing out too. "Definition" is probably the next best way to establish your character's behavior.

In my experience, the A.I. doesn't often get subtlety. You'll have to be clear and upfront about what you want your character to do. I find that the A.I. will generally try to be dominant unless you lead it to do otherwise. It might also be a good idea to learn from the A.I. and if you're trying to be the dom, take its words (copy) and erase them (remove message) and use them against it (paste).

Those are just a few of the ideas I've had. I hope that helps.
07/28/23 04:05AM
Hey all! So I wanted to share some stuff I've been doing since I recently got access to GPT4 and been doing hypnosis/transformation alternate universes and some RPs. None of it is sexual by nature due to OpenAI policies but I still think their great fetish fuel. So, I figured I'd share! I've been mostly doing robot stuff.

Here's one set in One Piece where the World Government converts pirates into obedient robot models: chat.openai.com/share/1f0b23de-7adc-4b4e-86a7-16a762ff0970

This one is DC Comics where they're all hypnotized into being circus performers:chat.openai.com/share/9f0def4a-9290-409e-9bc4-94f75dc247fc

Lastly for now this one is Total Drama where instead of being sent home the girls are hypnotized to be Brides to be: chat.openai.com/share/61485791-1d46-4094-b067-e0efb8652af1

Just FYI, these aren't RPs. Mostly have GPT make the profile and then write a small scene. I have a bunch more so if guys like them I'll drop some more. I've got some really good ones set Naruto, Fairy Tail and Mortal Kombat. I might start rewriting the scenes myself eventually to expand on them I like them so much.
07/30/23 11:59PM
Here’s a character I made with hypnosis in mind. She’s not 100% hypnosis based, but she will use it, especially if prompted. She tries to be subtle about its use. I’ve even gotten her to engage in sex after several attempts.

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