05/17/24 01:21PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Is there a tag for flashing (in the sense of being naked or mostly naked under a trenchcoat and opening it to expose oneself to others, usually in public)? Eg post #100777, post #185600, post #154333, post #80720. I sure see it a fair amount, and it feels distinct from just "open_clothes".

05/18/24 07:18AM
OperationTransport said:
Hypnorgasm said:
Is there a tag for flashing (in the sense of being naked or mostly naked under a trenchcoat and opening it to expose oneself to others, usually in public)? Eg post #100777, post #185600, post #154333, post #80720. I sure see it a fair amount, and it feels distinct from just "open_clothes".


There's certainly a lot of overlap, but some pictures are a bit unclear if it's in public or not, like post #116263.
05/18/24 09:23AM
05/19/24 08:38AM
OperationTransport said:

Oh, I think that applies! Thank you.
If anyone thinks it doesn't fit, please let me know. I'll hold off on tagging that for a few days in case someone has an objection.
05/19/24 09:35AM
What should we even define presenting as. Looking at the posts tagged presenting, there's a lot of different images but maybe something like "showing oneself off to pov or another character" or would that be too general?
05/19/24 09:48AM
That would require nearly every image with the posing tag to be tagged with presenting as well. You almost always pose to show off to somebody.
05/19/24 09:57AM
Then should we redefine presenting as what hypnorgasm has? Like partially undressing to reveal their body? Or is this too specific now?
05/20/24 12:45PM
A subset of undressing would be more reasonable than a superset of posing. I support that.
05/21/24 02:31AM
Hypnorgasm said:
Is there a tag for flashing (in the sense of being naked or mostly naked under a trenchcoat and opening it to expose oneself to others, usually in public)? Eg post #100777, post #185600, post #154333, post #80720. I sure see it a fair amount, and it feels distinct from just "open_clothes".

Yea I'm down for either redefining 'presenting' or introducing a new tag(s) for this specific exhibition scenario like 'flashing' and/or 'naked_coat'.

Also, since we're on the topic of undressing, I've been thinking of adding to the site the tag, "undressing_another". The 'undressing' tag has been a mix of both 'undressing self' and 'undressing another' so it would be nice if a tag was made to separate the two for better searches!
05/21/24 07:15PM
Missing? Tag
Is there no medium_breasts tag? Why?

Some images may not be flat neither half-head-sized breasts, and I hate using just breasts tag, for that i'd use fem* (besides that one particular hell image i'm not showing amyone)

Please add it (or show me the correct language for this, i may have forgor i just upload from danbooru and translate the tags I know)

Ps: can we change the browser to danbooru's, basically? I'd really like to get alternate names for proper tagging and the *something to get all variants that end in something instead of all

Psps: what would constitute a safe rating? Anything on this site at the very least would show my hypno fetish, nothing is safe here; the only thing that makes explicit into questionable is whether they are nude or not
05/22/24 01:56AM
gelary said:
Is there no medium_breasts tag? Why?

Probably either due to there being no push/want for such a breast size tag back when this site was starting out and now it would be a bit of a hassle to get it started. Not exactly keen on retagging the 2nd largest tag on the site.

Ps: can we change the browser to danbooru's, basically? I'd really like to get alternate names for proper tagging and the *something to get all variants that end in something instead of all

Would be nice but I'm 99% sure it will never happen. There was an alias system before the site migration and many systems including what you're looking for broke/got removed. (rip favorites of the month page)

Psps: what would constitute a safe rating? Anything on this site at the very least would show my hypno fetish, nothing is safe here; the only thing that makes explicit into questionable is whether they are nude or not

While the safe rating isn't especially enforced and a lot of it should really be questionable, there are safe posts on the site, its just that truly safe posts are like a needle in a haystack due to this being a fetish site and all: post #194411post #28232post #108398

If you're familiar with Danbooru's or Rule34's rating system, it's pretty much the same here. hypnohub.net/index.php?page=help&topic=rating

In short,

Safe: No nudity or anything sexually suggestive, some clothing are borderline

Questionable: Anything in between, default tag

Explicit: Genitals, Body fluids, and depictions of sexual activity
05/25/24 12:47PM
Does New_Eden work for the new series of wrenzephyr/polmanning garden of eden-ification pictures?
05/25/24 02:16PM
like i said under one of those posts, i think that at the moment those pictures would be better in a Pool, rather than having their own tag. seeing as you can currently count the number of pictures with that subject on one hand. if people make more of them (like 10 or so) i think then, maybe, we should consider making a tag for it
05/26/24 04:13AM
Was about to start working on the League of Legends character tags when I realized that there's two kinds of tags being used, the full game name and the abbreviation.

So, to make the tags all the same, which do you all think would be better?
'name_(league_of_legends)' or 'name_(lol)'

For example: 'lux_(league_of_legends)' or 'lux_(lol)'
05/26/24 06:08AM
JustChilling said:
Was about to start working on the League of Legends character tags when I realized that there's two kinds of tags being used, the full game name and the abbreviation.

So, to make the tags all the same, which do you all think would be better?
'name_(league_of_legends)' or 'name_(lol)'

For example: 'lux_(league_of_legends)' or 'lux_(lol)'

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