08/17/13 01:36AM
A Site Back-Up
When we lost Hypnochan, we lost countless great pictures and manips with it. To prevent such a travesty from occurring again, we should make some sort of back-up, right? Is this possible/feasible?
08/17/13 01:43AM
Slayerduck said that he's gonna handle the backups sometime in the near-ish future. I'm more than content just to wait for that.
08/23/13 07:30AM
Also, one option if you have shell access, is to just backup the entire server.

This command creates a backup. It does not backup specific directories that aren't meaningful.

tar -zcvpf /tmp/fullbackup.tar.gz

(backup is stored in /tmp/ in this case)

And you can restore it with
cd /
tar -zxpvf fullbackup.tar.gz

You can also use this, it's open-source and has a GUI, plus it's very smart, unlike the above command which is rudimentary and doesn't handle differential backups.

Just saying this in case Slayerduck happens to be out of time to solve this in the mid term.

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