2016-04-24 02:51:32
>> #100541
I wish someone would make a commission of the adult starfire seen in justice league vs. teen titans. And you can never have enough Artemis.
2016-04-06 04:04:46
>> #97613
Tyrranus said:
if the art quality were just a bit higher this would be an instant favorite

Well I faved it anyway, but I would have liked it better if some boob or vag was showing.
2016-04-06 04:04:42
>> #97612
Tyrranus said:
if the art quality were just a bit higher this would be an instant favorite

Well I faved it anyway, but I would have liked it better if some boob or vag was showing.
2016-04-05 23:51:15
>> #97577
Hypno Hammer said:
artist says this is hypno.

For future reference, that means nothing. We've never allowed pics based purely on the artist's word that it's MC.

AngelGrace said:
Considering Raven and Artemis would die before dressing like this? I agree.

That also means nothing, because you can draw a character wearing or doing anything. Porn does not abide by canon.
2016-04-05 20:59:02
>> #97559
if the art quality were just a bit higher this would be an instant favorite
2016-04-05 16:36:34
>> #97540
Trisha had started her senior year much more different than she'd expected. Not more than a week into the school year and the squirrel had met a very old friend who's name used to be Cindy and had somehow turned into Candi with an I. Back then the bunny had always gone first and dragged Trisha along with a confidence that she had always envied.. And then her friend was gone. Vanished. No contact information and no idea where she'd gone. Only a quick message about taking a vacation with her new father let her know Cindy wasn't gone. Both of the squirrel's parents had been delighted that their daughter could now focus entirely on not just maintaining a perfect GPA but on padding her college resume with as many extra curricular activities as they might passive-aggressively force their daughter into.

On the subject of padding, Cindy had changed more than just her name. Her entire wardrobe and personality spoke of the feminine ideal from the sexually liberated and active perspective. Trisha had never been more acutely aware of just how frumpy and plain she'd looked than when put next to the bunny. But at the same time Cin...errr, Candi, was just as friendly and willing to drag the squirrel out of her shell as before. Though with far more skin to skin contact than before. A heavier blush than even the bunny's make-up came with her up the stairs to a very large house. Even bigger than the upper-middle class decadence of Trisha's own home. Cindy's mother Tanya had been a respected and powerful CEO of a major pharmaceutical company who'd divorced her husband and become just as work oriented as Trisha's parents hoped she might one day be. In fact, she sometimes wondered if the wealth and success of the older doe hadn't been the source of years of misguided efforts to reshape Trisha.

Now the older rabbit was working at Hooters according to the lagomorph's shirt. This was in spite of fabric stretched so tightly across a pair of tits which beggared belief, including how they managed to defy the laws of gravity and physics in their preternatural perkiness. Which at least matched their owner's personality. "Oh mai gawd, little Trisha!" said the once stone-faced matron as they sauntered closer with a heat on Trisha’s face that hadn’t been there before. Perhaps that was because the mother wore a fraction of what her daughter wore, who was wearing a fraction of what the squirrel had on. “I haven’t seen you in too long. You come give me a hug.” Before Trisha could even begin to protest she can wrapped in strong arms tipped with painted nails and smothered by a pair of tits which threatened to end her life through asphyxiation.

Perhaps the lack of air and the blood which had rushed to her face is why Trisha didn’t flee from Tanya the moment that powerful, and surprisingly pleasant, embrace slackened. Or maybe her mind just wanted to understand the changes which had occurred. “Um, Miss…” A finger to her lips cute Trisha’s question short. “You want to know why I’m so different.” The squirrel quietly nodded and the elder lagomorph smiled, looking at her daughter. “Candi, give me and Trisha a little time together. Remember the chores your Father gave you.” Never before had she seen anyone her age rush off so eagerly to do chores. Bouncing merrily all the way, she might add.

With a hand on her shoulder and tits pressed against her side did Trisha find herself led to the dining room. A tall glass of water was gratefully and eagerly accepted by the squirrel who downed the drink with indecent haste, her fingers curled around it as she stared into the water left. “I saw a lot of me in you Trisha. Back when you came over to play with Candi.” The voice was calm, comforting, and surprisingly motherly. That it came from such a lewd and openly sexual figure just made the whole situation extra surreal. “Could you tell me what’s happened since we last met? I missed such a bright and energetic child being here.” And so Trisha did what she always did when others asked that same question. Lied through her braces to tell someone what her parents wanted others to hear.

Yet something happened part of the way through. “Um, Trisha, could you tell me about something other than school?” The squirrel’s jaw snapped shut. She tried to think of something, anything, which had nothing to do with school. Or was related to school. Or was done for the purpose of enhancing her resume for getting into a good college “Oh dear.” The lagomorph looked distinctly uncomfortable herself. But nothing compared to Trisha when she realized the last year of her life was nothing but school. For a minute the squirrel sat there being miserable until a plate of cookies had been slid in front of her. Along with a tall glass of milk as the motherly figure loomed over her. “I think you could really use these.” Trisha’s vision blurred as she tried the cookies.

Real cookies. Like her own mother made years and years ago. Before her food was bland, tasteless, and good for her. “I’m sorry!” Trisha’s gaze snapped up as she looked at the hurt housewife. Realizing that she was crying, the squirrel wiped her face and shook her head. “It’s not the cookies.” She said before continuing. “It is but they’re really good.” Trisha could tell Tanya was confused. But at least she wasn’t about to cry herself. “I just...haven’t had any homemade cookies in a long time.” Another nibble was taken. “A really long time.” She whispered that part, but those long ears weren’t just for show.

“Oh, you poor thing.” Once against the squirrel was caught up in an embrace. Warmer than the freshly made treats, she thought. “I think everyone needs a cookie once in awhile.” There goes the waterworks again as Trisha’s began sobbing again and Tanya hugged her all the tighter.

After some five minutes of eating and crying the squirrel felt...better. A lot better. “Um, Miss, you seem different.” Trisha would have never pictured Candi’s mother as the cookie baking, emotionally supportive, and exceptionally friendly figure now sitting beside her. “I know Dear, my outfits are so much cuter~” That made Trisha laugh for a bit until she continued. “No, no, I mean you’re not at all like I remember you being.” Beat. “Or Candi.” Though the change in fashion sense was also a thing Trisha was curious about, it was second to everything else.

“That’s because I’m not a grumpy guss like I used to be.” Tanya looked positively radiant when she said that. “It was so stressful having to be…” A furrowed brow and a pouting lower lip reminded the squirrel of a child trying to answer something simple. “” Trisha had to ask. “What do you mean?” Unfortunately, the answer she got wasn’t what she expected. “I’m a dumb bimbo Dear.” The squirrel went slack-jawed at that. “Wha-what?” And the bunny seem to take that as another request for clarification.

“A bimbo. A stupid brainless trophy wife.” Conviction, serenity, and a pride utterly at odds with such a degrading series of descriptors. “It’s so awesome not to worry about anything. Or even think too hard.” It was a concept so foreign to Trisha that she had to take a moment to recover her bearings. Such a gap in the conversation seemed to provoke a wave of babbling equal to the mother’s daughter in terms of motor-mouthing. “You see Dear, I used to have a multi-million dollar corporation to handle. I was smart, successful, and everyone looked up to me.” Trisha was quick to notice how Tanya had said ‘corporation’ like ‘Cor-Por-Ation’. Three distinct syllables rather than a single word. Odd, but the verbal torrent did not cease and thus questions would be left for later. “But I was also friendless, my husband divorced me, and my daughter was practically a stranger to me…” Trisha seem to remember Cindy complaining about her mom a lot. “...but then I found a way to stop being smart and got someone to take over my company for me. Now me and Candi are closer than ever, plus I’ve never been healthier or happier.”

Once again the Grade A student honed in on the strangest part of that story. “You can’t stop being smart.” Although she wouldn’t say the rabbit was proving her wrong either. Another pouting frown and a pair of crossed arms that made Tanya’s big tits even more prominent meant she thought otherwise. “You can too.” Goodness, but she was behaving like a child. A stubborn child. So Trisha just tried to calm her down like she would with one of them. “How?” Okay, maybe that was a bit sharper of a tone than she wanted to use, but Tanya didn’t seem to take offense. In fact she seemed delighted again. “I’ll show you Dear. Come on.”

Two weeks later, the squirrel was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing very little. Stockings, a thong, and a see-through nightie that Tanya, her new Tutor, thought was very cute. A pair of earbuds were playing the soothing voice of the older lagomorph as she explained how to capture thoughts and facts in these adorable pink bubbles. Then you let them float out of your head and pop them. It was so much fun!

Of course, it was a very special kind of fun. The kind that left you with flushed cheeks and trembling thighs as another pair of panties would be soaked through by the end of the session. It just felt so nice to not have all these ideas cluttering up her mind. She was so light. Of course, she wasn’t doing very good in school, but not too bad. Tanya had warned her that she needed to do her best to not get her parents involved. Even though she hated wearing her frumpy old clothing. Candi and Tanya had showed her that you shouldn’t be ashamed of your body. And they had put words to action, giving her lots of training for a very special role.

The kind of training involving tongues, lips, naked bodies, and all sorts of wonderful toys. It seemed like forever since Tanya had showed her the research she’d started and that a Herm fox by the name of Clarie had finished for her, the two of them falling in love and getting married after the new Mental Retrograde Therapy had turned Tanya from a miserable pile of stress and failed personal relationships into a much simpler but also much more satisfied version of her former self.

‘Take my advice Dear,’ the lagomorph matron had said while Trisha continued to find some reason why this wonderful thing couldn’t be possible. ‘Ignorance really is bliss.’ It was horrible. Terrifying. An absolute violation of every form of ethics one could imagine. The sheer potential for abuse was something that made the squirrel’s head spin. But...the bunny had done it willingly. She had taken away her intelligence to be happy. Really happy. And Trisha knew she would go down that same road. Getting everything everyone else wanted for her. In that moment she couldn’t give two cracked walnuts for the morality of this situation. ‘Consider me your new Tutor, in that case.’

At first Trisha didn’t see much change. But just a week ago, she’d missed half the questions on a weekly quiz. It boggled her. But there was something Tanya had told her which made the boring lecturing she got from her teacher after school easy to ignore.

“When you try your best and still fail, that’s how you know it’s working.”

Over the last week this trend had continued. Each assignment was a bit harder to study for and the information was more difficult to recall. Her attention wavered frequently, her libido had spiked from a state of non-existence, and her vocabulary was growing smaller. She was still making every effort to do her best. Even her parents couldn’t tell the difference. Although her younger sister Vette had picked up on some of her changes with the uncanny insight of siblings, she hadn’t quite deduced the reasons before the affectionate older sibling beyond a simple, “You’re being weird.” Trisha was having no end of fun teasing her baby sister these days though. And she suspected Vette wasn’t nearly as unhappy with the changes as she appeared to be.

Trisha was still smart. She was still mostly successful. But that was going to change. And all she had to do was let it happen. To listen to the music and the voice while capturing those thoughts in her pink bubbles.

Then Pop.

“Pop. Pop. Pop.” That word brought quivering shudders to her whole body. But it would be thoughts of things her Tutor had promised. Like wearing some new outfits beyond the home of her best friend. Have them go, as Candi put it, ‘slutting up the town’ without a care for things like shame or embarrassment. Or maybe just enough to make it exciting.

“When you try your best and still fail, that’s how you know it’s working.”

2016-04-06 08:30:44
>> #97641
greasyi said:
I hate when my birthday dessert is expensive.

2016-04-06 08:26:40
>> #97637
I hate when my birthday desert is expensive.
2016-04-05 16:35:50
>> #97539
Part 1/4

Trisha was a model student. Perfect in every way that mattered to her parents. She never got in trouble, never went out past curfew, and was already being scouted by colleges across the country despite just entering her senior year at Oakwood High School. Teachers loved her and the faculty gave her more leeway and attention than almost anyone else present, especially because of the eventual prestige she would bring them. Never was there a more perfect example of the golden goose when it came to academia.

And the young squirrel was absolutely miserable. Her eighteenth birthday party was a expensive desert at dinner before going upstairs to finish her coursework. She had no real friends and had never been on a date. Every second she wasn't at home was spent keeping up the impossible standards she'd been set to. Yet she still felt like her parents expected more. Teachers wouldn't settle for anything less than absolute excellence from the lofty reputation she'd accumulated.

The truth was that Trisha was just too passive and willing to listen to others. She was smart to be sure, but she could never stand up for herself. Part of her was aware that might prove detrimental to life outside the strictly rigid confines of the public school system.

It was far sooner than she expected when that routine and schedule was shattered into pieces. When a part of her past hopped up to her and gave her an energetic greeting. "What?" Trisha said with a dull, monotone voice she adopted these days. And which, shockingly, got her a bubbly giggle from the chocolate colored doe in front of her.

"You've changed Trish," said the lagomorph dressed like a street walker.

The squirrel's mind was as quick on the uptake as ever, but she was still slack-jawed to realize who this was. "Cindy?" A waggled finger, which made other parts waggle and wiggle in turn, came as the bunny clicked her tongue three times. "Nuh uh. It's Candi." A bright warm smile came. "With an I." Trisha was trying to reconcile the difference between her old friend and this...this...well, she didn't want to say what Cind...err, Candi with an I, looked like right now.

True to her new name, the doe stuck to Trisha the rest of that day and was babbling almost non-stop about every little thing that drifted across her mind. Most of which consisted of fashion tips, wild parties she'd been to, and a dozen other subjects Trisha could do little more than nod along to. Any attempt by the squirrel to talk about deeper subject matter just left Candi with a confused look and a few 'uh huh's which made her let the bunny go back to her comfort zone.

There were a few things which had stuck out for Trisha. Apparently her mother had remarried, her father had taken her out of school for a year, and now she was back to finish up her courses. With considerably more 'like' and 'ya know' and 'oh mai gawd' to fill out the few nuggets of information Trisha had managed to glean from the endless torrent of ideas which flitted out of Candi's pouty lipstick-colored mouth like bubbles.

Despite all that...well, this was longest anyone her own age had spent with her for quite some time. And Candi was genuinely pleasant to be with. She was so happy and eager and energetic. Although she made eyes at every 'cute boy', and more than a few gals, they came across. The few times Candi had asked Trisha if she thought the same about such objects of affection had left the squirrel unable to do much more than deny or politely request that she not suggest a 'grabbing a few' with increasing awkwardness.

For all the awkwardness Candi's looks and mannerisms and desires had brought, Trisha was sad when she school ended. Because her parents would ask her what she did that day. And she'd tell them. Then they'd reprimand her for getting involved with someone like Cindy after getting one look at the rabbit. Last time they'd been happy to see her last "distraction" vanish and leave Trisha without a friend to her name. Such a sour mood was sweetened when Candi grabbed Trisha's hands and began dragging her off in one direction. "Where are we going?" said the squirrel. "To my house!" beamed the bunny as she wiggled her hips down the sidewalk, a pair of pants practically painted on ensuring a steady stream of incidents from those distracted by such a sight.

"But I have to go home," said Trisha, in spite of herself. "It won't take long," replied the bunny. "I have afterschool activities like the debate team and the school council to attend," said Trisha, again cursing herself for putting up so little fight. "Boring~!" sung the lagomorph as she continued to all but kidnap the squirrel. "This will be way more fun Trish." And that was that. Not that Trisha didn't try her best. But whatever clever arguments flew right over Candi's empty head or were deflected through the willful nature of simple people everywhere.

Trisha wasn't doing what she was supposed to. She wasn't following the schedule of her life. No telling how much trouble she'd be in when her parents found out nor the loss of reputation for missing out two vital, or at least that's how Trisha's mother and father would see it, club activities.

For the first time, Trisha was smiling and felt alive.

2016-04-27 15:24:05
>> #101122
I'm getting SCP vibes from this
2016-04-18 02:25:38
>> #99589
The pictures for this series are great, but damn if the story doesn't make my skin crawl.
2016-04-08 19:09:10
>> #98045
Anon123456 said:
here's hoping it's just her neo cortex(analytical/rational/logical center) that decreases, and that things like creativity and language center don't change apart from her new personality making them be used "differently" :P (aka, hoping she doesn't talk like solomon grundy when her intellect diminishes)

Whaaaat? Who would ever do that? >.>;
2016-04-08 18:42:38
>> #98043
here's hoping it's just her neo cortex(analytical/rational/logical center) that decreases, and that things like creativity and language center don't change apart from her new personality making them be used "differently" :P (aka, hoping she doesn't talk like solomon grundy when her intellect diminishes)
2016-04-07 20:51:01
>> #97864
awesomemanftw said:
the series isn't over yet

Orly! Looking forward to the rest. Not sure it'll be my cup of tea by the end but it's interesting so far. :)

Shame she lost the glasses. Though that one stocking falling down is adorable. ^-^
2016-04-05 23:38:57
>> #97574
It's a bad idea to translate artist names. I found the artist's tag on Danbooru and changed it to that.
2016-04-05 16:54:49
>> #97542
Well, the guideline says to limit yourself to ~2 or 3 pictures. If there's a distinct difference, e.g. a whole manga is being posted, I would say 3 is the way to go, but having multiple nearly identical pictures, I'd say 1-2 is sufficient. That's just my opinion though and I won't be argueing about one picture with you - after all, it is a guideline, so I'll leave it at that.

And yes, I consider everything above 3 pictures in a row by the same person to be bulk posting - at least in most cases. We don't really have a hard limitation, but please understand that some artists take time in the 2 digit hour range to create an image, while someone is just reposting stuff from another page with no effort. It's nice to have these on the board as well, but we don't want them to take away too much panels on the first couple of pages.

That and blacklists. People get a little edgy when there's bulk posting of certain stuff that results in them only seeing 3-5 pictures on the first 3 pages of the board. :)
2016-04-05 16:03:23
>> #97537
HypnoMangaEditor said:
There's little need to have 4 pages that almost look the same all shown up on the index. Two pictures are enough, while the other 2 are being hidden. Please look at our Bulk Posting guidelines:

You consider 4 images to be bulk posting? I can agree that there is little need to have them all up but just hiding one should suffice, I'm going to show the other one.
2016-04-05 14:29:59
>> #97531
There's little need to have 4 pages that almost look the same all shown up on the index. Two pictures are enough, while the other 2 are being hidden. Please look at our Bulk Posting guidelines:
2016-04-05 21:53:54
>> #97564
Bloodly said:
She's not Confused, not Charmed, and the main characters are immune to Invite.

So what happened?

It's Hypno-magic :'v
2016-04-05 20:16:07
>> #97556
She's not Confused, not Charmed, and the main characters are immune to Invite.

So what happened?
2016-04-05 09:44:47
>> #97516
Wow...she is so hard to draw for me :'v
2016-04-26 17:18:19
>> #100955
Triple: did anyone else see the voltorb on the visor
2016-04-05 23:29:50
>> #97572
What a lovely table : )
2016-04-05 08:57:15
>> #97509
Her art is much better than I remember.
2016-04-05 08:16:42
>> #97508
ecchime said:
nightmare_fuel tag

I forget it xD.
2016-04-05 08:14:32
>> #97507
nightmare_fuel tag
2016-04-05 08:02:41
>> #97506
Yay! She looks so sexy! :v
2016-04-19 03:55:18
>> #99776
Whisper said:
Lol hypno blowjob
That is cheating >~<

If hypno blowjobs are wrong, I don't wanna be right.
2016-04-05 21:20:41
>> #97561
Lol hypno blowjob
That is cheating >~<
2016-04-05 20:59:03
>> #97560
ChefPyro said:
you had one job, ana

Really though, between that one job, and a blow job, the answer is clear.
2016-04-05 18:38:17
>> #97547
ChefPyro said:
you had one job, ana

2016-04-05 17:25:49
>> #97545
2016-05-31 19:18:56
>> #106982
ArloLab said:
He's a Great Dane, and they're hairless. I'm guessing that's his skin color.

Is that why they look sliver.
2016-05-31 19:18:54
>> #106981
ArloLab said:
He's a Great Dane, and they're hairless. I'm guessing that's his skin color.

Is that why they look sliver.
2016-04-07 05:39:38
>> #97769
Remember to get your pets spayed and neutered.
2016-04-06 08:58:23
>> #97653
Over the last few hours I keep coming back to this picture with more and more fascination something's wrong but I can't figure out what. I'll just keep staring.
2016-04-06 03:28:12
>> #97607
Wait a second I see it now the swinging balls and hypnotic asshole. No wonder the ghost clown was so overwhelmed. I almost think I'm falling too.

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