04/22/24 10:28PM
Pixiv blocks R18 content for US and UK
Yup. The sanitization of the net claims another victim. If you have your setting on Pixiv set to the US or UK you'll be unable to see R18 content.
04/22/24 11:22PM
imagine the moment newgrounds gets effected.
04/23/24 12:11AM
Worth noting that this works off of your location setting for the site, so if you have an user account you can change your location to anything non-US or UK and you'll be unaffected.
04/23/24 12:49AM
Detour said:
Worth noting that this works off of your location setting for the site, so if you have an user account you can change your location to anything non-US or UK and you'll be unaffected.

For now at least.
04/23/24 01:01AM
And then people still wonder why I pay a subscription to ProtonVPN... and I'm not even from those two countries.
04/23/24 11:07PM
It'll be interesting to see how views/engagement will be affected when this goes live.
04/29/24 11:29AM
master226 said:
Yup. The sanitization of the net claims another victim. If you have your setting on Pixiv set to the US or UK you'll be unable to see R18 content.

Both Pixiv and Patreon seem to have commit Tumblr not realising how much it destroyed their company, shame the main payment processors are all based in the US and are ran by puritan cretins meaning that bs spreads worldwide
04/29/24 04:40PM
God I cannot wait for this pendulum to swing the other way.
04/29/24 11:54PM
master226 said:
God I cannot wait for this pendulum to swing the other way.

hypnosis enthusiasts be like
04/30/24 09:06AM
loganblast39 said:
master226 said:
God I cannot wait for this pendulum to swing the other way.

hypnosis enthusiasts be like

Good one.

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