PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
031697Everything has faded to black
You can no longer see anything
Weebnotist2020-08-15 09:43:30Revert
031698You feel incredibly comfy and calm.
You are losing strength all over your body...
Weebnotist2020-08-15 09:44:34Revert
031699Now slowly let yourself fall backWeebnotist2020-08-15 09:44:52Revert
031700It's okay, I'm here to catch you so there's no need to be worriedWeebnotist2020-08-15 09:45:19Revert
031701It worked...!
The body I fantasised about for 10 years has fallen right into my hands...!!
Weebnotist2020-08-15 09:45:52Revert