07/22/22 08:17PM
Favorites Search
I know this has been asked a few times but I don't care. One of the best features of the old site is now gone. I have little hope that it will return as a feature.

That being said — has anyone figured out a way to search favorites on this new site?
07/26/22 09:03PM
As far as I know, there's no way to do it in the new hub and you can probably abandon any hope of it ever coming back considering this :

Slayerduck on hypnohub.net/index.php?pa...05887&pid=150#1205038 :
Fav search: the reason is that our searching is done trough a separate search database called SOLR. The favorites subset of data is not currently being stored there so it can't do the searching that way. Before the hub searched just on a SQL database and was able to make complicate (but heavy on CPU) searches like that.

also note that "fav searching" is not even mentionned in the "Planned migration/features:" of the "Site migration status / bugs" stick'd topic, which is probably the final nail in the "fav search on the hub" coffin since it show it's not even planned.

As for figuring a way to navigate favorite, my workaround to the problem is to DL them from the hub and UL them to my own personal myimouto booru with a copy pasta of their tag so i can search them around as much as i want.
07/26/22 09:05PM
I know its not actually what you asked for but if you are desperate to do this there is a way to do it using Grabber (A tool to browse and download images from booru's).
Just leave a reply here and I can make a quick walkthrough on it.
07/26/22 10:21PM
daeva said:
As for figuring a way to navigate favorite, my workaround to the problem is to DL them from the hub and UL them to my own personal myimouto booru with a copy pasta of their tag so i can search them around as much as i want.

making my own booru sounds a bit too complicated to me.
07/29/22 12:51AM
I appreciate the replies!

Making my own favorites on another booru was the only solution I could personally think of, and I'm glad to see other people mentioning it, so at least it's an option.

I have, like, 34 pages of favorites so it'd take a while, but at least there I'd be able to search them.

I've read their reasons for switching the software but the old site was so much better it's not even worth mentioning again because all of you know it already.

And as for Underscore's reply, if you'd like you can post a guide on that tool you mentioned. Any solution is worth checking out at this point.
07/29/22 08:09AM
Yeah, Underscore, I'm curious as well. Considering how many people really miss the favorites search, you may be able to help some others out.

Honestly, I've started using the old Hypnohub site when I want to search favorites, even though it doesn't have the past few months of my favorites. I don't know how long that will be up, but for anyone else who wants to do that, the site is old.hypnohub.net
07/29/22 03:23PM
I'm interested in the "make your own booru" solution as I thought booru creation was currently closed.

See: booru.org/create
07/29/22 06:04PM
LillyTank said:
I'm interested in the "make your own booru" solution as I thought booru creation was currently closed.

See: booru.org/create

... I wasn't even aware there was such a site ( which is apparently closed as far as making new booru go, sadly ).
when i meant having my "own personal" booru, i meant that i was running a myimouto booru in a apache/mysql local setup.
07/29/22 08:53PM
Aight, sure! Here goes:
1. Download and install Grabber (bionus.github.io/imgbrd-grabber/)
- Click the "Free Download" button, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the package that's appropriate for your machine.
- You might get some warning about the download/installer not being safe to run, as far as I can tell this is just because it doesn't have a "certificate" included in the installer since it's just made by a single dude. It should be totally safe.
2. After installing and launching it for the first time you should get a prompt asking you for some initial configuration, if you only want to use Grabber to browse your favorites on the hub then all of these settings are irrelevant and you can leave them at default/ignore them. If you want to use Grabber to download some stuff then you can change which folder Grabber downloads images to in this prompt (all these settings can also be changed later on in the "Options" menu of course!)
3. To be able to browse posts from the hub we'll need to add it as a source, to do this click on the "Sources" button near the bottom left. Then click "Add". Uncheck the "Guess" checkbox (You could leave it on and just enter the URL but just out of paranoia I always like to plot all the important values myself) and select "Gelbooru 0.2" in the dropdown selector, then add "hypnohub.net/" to the "URL" textbox and click "Ok". Lastly, a new entry should now be available in the source list, click the checkbox next to "hypnohub.net" and click the "Ok" button. Now when you search for something in Grabbers search bar it should return results from the hub! Initially you'll probably only see 20 images pr. page, we'll get to where you can change this later!
4. Actually searching through your favorites! First you'll need your user id number, to get this the easiest way I know is to go to your profile page by clicking "My Account" then "My Profile" here on the hub. At the end of the URL there is a number after "id=", this number is your user id number. Back in Grabber enter this into the search bar: fav:user-id-number-here (replacing user-id-number-here with the number you copied from the URL here on the hub, and example would be: fav:1000). This should return all your favorites. Now if you want to be able to search through them, look all the way up in the top right most corner of the Grabber window, there should be a "+" button next to an "Ok" button, click it. You should now be presented with a few more option, including a textbox you can use to choose how many results to display pr. page!
The parameter we are most interested in however is the box called "Post-Filtering", this is the textbox you'll use as the search bar where you input the tags you want to search for. The reason for having to use this instead of the normal search bar is that when you look through your favorites Grabber has to pull them from a special part of the booru using a link like this "hypnohub.net/index.php?pa...user-id-number-here" which is incompatible with tags, however when use the "Post-Filtering" search Grabber first fetches the images and accompanying tags from the hub, then runs the filter afterwards (hence the name) which effectively allows us to search our (or anyone elses) favorites.

From there you can either view the picture in Grabber by simply clicking it or "Right click" - "Open in Browser".
If you wish to make it look alittle more like the hub, or just not have it burn your eyes out with its searing bright default theme, you can change it into "Dark Mode" by going to "Tools" - "Options" - "Interface" - "Theme" - "QDarkStyleSheet".
Another bonus fact, if you are running your own szuzubooru instance there is a plugin made for Grabber which allows you to automatically grab and image from any booru, upload the image to your booru instance as well as automatically carry over all of the tags from the original post.

It's a pretty neat piece of software and if you end up fining it useful I'd recommend dropping by the guys Patreon (patreon.com/bionus) or Paypal (www.paypal.me/jvasti) to give him some support! #Shill #Add
08/01/22 05:23PM
Underscore... you are my freaking hero. It works!!!!!

The only problems I've had so far are that no matter what I try I can't get more then 8-10 images to appear on a page, sometimes there's only 2 images per page of the favorites despite me inputting numbers into the 'images per page' and ' number of columns' boxes.
08/01/22 05:25PM
Mistress_Kaa said:
Underscore... you are my freaking hero. It works!!!!!

The only problems I've had so far are that no matter what I try I can't get more then 8-10 images to appear on a page, sometimes there's only 2 images per page of the favorites despite me inputting numbers into the 'images per page' and ' number of columns' boxes.

Ummm... not sure what I did but now it's working. Thanks again!!!!!
08/03/22 04:22AM
This grabber thing seems really useful. I don't know why anyone would even use the favorites feature without sorting, but grabber gives me a reason to try to catch up on favoriting things.

The thing it really lacks is a way to put them in a random order. I'm trying now to download my favorites with tags included in the metadata, and then find some image viewer that can both filter and sort randomly.

I've had no luck in either task. Grabber needs something called exiftool that I can't get it to use. I also can't find a photo viewer that is half decent. It makes me think I should figure out this szurubooru thing instead. If anyone has thought about any of this, I'm interested.
08/03/22 06:55PM
tailsmilesprower said:
This grabber thing seems really useful. I don't know why anyone would even use the favorites feature without sorting, but grabber gives me a reason to try to catch up on favoriting things.

The thing it really lacks is a way to put them in a random order. I'm trying now to download my favorites with tags included in the metadata, and then find some image viewer that can both filter and sort randomly.

I've had no luck in either task. Grabber needs something called exiftool that I can't get it to use. I also can't find a photo viewer that is half decent. It makes me think I should figure out this szurubooru thing instead. If anyone has thought about any of this, I'm interested.

That is mainly what I am using Grabber for, getting posts from different boards and uploading them with all the tags attached to my szurubooru instance, though it did require some tinkering to get it to work since I'm not suuuper familiar with how to configure docker containers and running Postgres servers, but after initial setup its been pretty smooth sailing.

Alternatively if it helps you at all Grabber does have support for other self hosted booru software like: Danbooru, MyImouto(booru?), Gelbooru and Shimmie(booru?).

Grabber does have a way of sorting search results (by hitting the little "Plus" button next to the search bar. It does not have a "Random" option but you could probably get pretty close to it by using stuff like "Mega pixel ascending" or "File size") but it unfortunately doesn't work in our case since it needs to apply that "order:" tag in the primary search bar, not the post filter, and since we are searching using the "fav:" keyword the primary search bar cant take any other keywords/tags.
08/31/22 02:27PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Yeah, Underscore, I'm curious as well. Considering how many people really miss the favorites search, you may be able to help some others out.

Honestly, I've started using the old Hypnohub site when I want to search favorites, even though it doesn't have the past few months of my favorites. I don't know how long that will be up, but for anyone else who wants to do that, the site is old.hypnohub.net

Not anymore since the site staff nuked the old site and shut it down. I’ve even seen users on the forums say that this is a fetish site so you shouldn’t care how it’s ran.
07/14/23 06:38AM
Mistress_Kaa said:
Mistress_Kaa said:
Underscore... you are my freaking hero. It works!!!!!

The only problems I've had so far are that no matter what I try I can't get more then 8-10 images to appear on a page, sometimes there's only 2 images per page of the favorites despite me inputting numbers into the 'images per page' and ' number of columns' boxes.

Ummm... not sure what I did but now it's working. Thanks again!!!!!

Any idea what you did to solve this? I am having this issue
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