10/23/23 04:41AM
Going Deeper [Godot]

It was suggested that I post this here when I was asking for places where my game would be relevant to people's interests. Honestly I previously hadn't even noticed this place had a forum, even though I've been here plenty. Forgive me if I miss any particular nuance/rule specific to the site culture.

Anyway, on to the marketing blurb and such.

Going Deeper is a single player erotic roguelike/management game. You take on the role of an Inquisitor, a divination mage serving the goddess of knowledge, who has been tasked with investigating the sudden appearance of a dungeon of unknown origin. On reaching the site, you find that a team of Knights from an allied faction is already there. Teaming up with the three female knights, you take on the duty of mission control.

Can you guide them to the bottom of a dungeon, or will they fall to the corruption it throws at them?

Further information and download:

This is a completely original game made entirely by me in the Godot game engine. I recently released what I'm considering the last Alpha update, and will be moving into Beta soon, where the intention is to focus on filling out the game systems with content.

With that in mind, I still love feedback, discussion, criticism, attention, support, or whatever else may come about from having more people see and play my game. Please do check it out!
10/23/23 07:11AM
Oh hey, what a coincidence. I was actually looking at this game a while back and played it, but couldn't remember it's name until like a week ago to see if anything changed. Neat to see you here.

As for thoughts on the game:

I did enjoy playing through it, despite my inexperience with rogue-likes. The characters are charming enough and the game's story is well-written with a blend of just decent fantasy and sexiness.( meaning that the sexy stuff doesn't feel forcefully put into, and feels like it "fits" if that makes sense.)

I do wish for maybe a bit of a better tutorial on the "changing" of the girls ideals and desires. What you have is.... "fine" but I feel like a more in-depth tutorial showcasing "how" much different the girls act/behave when you change them. Sometimes it just feels like I did nothing except just flipping a switch that says "ok you desire more companionship now" with no real significant difference besides like weapon/skill choice.

Maybe have a scenario/tutorial where one of the girls comes to the tent, you work your magic on here and you change "something" but the character doesn't really believe it until they see them in the location that matches your change (ex: making one a girl who's more willing to exercise than learn, suddenly be reading books.)

Also, do you plan on making more commmands to give the hypnotized girls in the Beta?
10/23/23 08:04PM
averageguy17 said:
I do wish for maybe a bit of a better tutorial on the "changing" of the girls ideals and desires. What you have is.... "fine" but I feel like a more in-depth tutorial showcasing "how" much different the girls act/behave when you change them. Sometimes it just feels like I did nothing except just flipping a switch that says "ok you desire more companionship now" with no real significant difference besides like weapon/skill choice.

Maybe have a scenario/tutorial where one of the girls comes to the tent, you work your magic on here and you change "something" but the character doesn't really believe it until they see them in the location that matches your change (ex: making one a girl who's more willing to exercise than learn, suddenly be reading books.)

I mean this does technically happen to a degree. What a character chooses to do in camp is determined by their current desires, which go up faster or slower depending on the drive behind that desire. A character with a high knowledge drive will spend more time reading on average than a character with a low one. At the same time I can't make the change be too extreme, if that makes sense? Like if a character's entire personality can be changed to any extreme the player wants, then I can't really write that character in scenes (or I need an endless number of variations of that scene to be written). I do see that the whole desire system can feel a bit opaque at first though. It's worth saying that it's not really something you HAVE to master, especially not right away.

averageguy17 said:
Also, do you plan on making more commmands to give the hypnotized girls in the Beta?

I definitely want to do more scenes similar to Raine's Masochism/Rope Bunny scene. For the miscellaneous tent commands/mantras, I would definitely like to do that as well, though it sometimes feels like a bit of a stretch to try and think of what gameplay effect those kinds of things should have. I guess people probably wouldn't care that much even if they did basically nothing though, since the fun is in doing the mind control.

Also for what it's worth, by one person's request I did hook tent commands up to be moddable, so people could conceivably add in new ones that way as well... If they can get over the incomplete documentation and need to learn the scripting language that I made for the game's data files.

That's probably something I should have mentioned in the first post as well though. The game is moddable as well.

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