11/06/23 01:23AM
how do I get rid of my "new user" statues?
I've been on this site for some time and posted a few times + fixed tags on other posts, but when i wanted to post a comment with a link in it (do a prequal art work) it told me I'm anonymous or new user.

how do I fix that?
11/06/23 01:30AM
That's just a bug, you can't publish links on comments for now
11/06/23 01:41AM
11/06/23 06:54AM
You must defeat a senior member in combat. You may hypnotize them, but so can they.
11/07/23 10:56PM
A_Stranger said:
You must defeat a senior member in combat. You may hypnotize them, but so can they.

that would be funny if it were true, but the unfortunate and boring reality is that you just have to upload 5 images

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