12/15/23 12:52AM
is driving under the influence illegal?
i mean of mind control i don't drink alcohol or do drugs(well except for hypnotic drugs)
12/15/23 04:24AM
jigiyak said:
i mean of mind control i don't drink alcohol or do drugs(well except for hypnotic drugs)

i'd say it counts as distracted driving. which carries a 500$ fine.
12/15/23 07:13AM
most actual hypnosis vids have a disclaimer warning you not to listen while driving or operating heavy machinery
12/15/23 11:03AM
you'll have to prove it, but it's a long shot.
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12/15/23 07:48PM
ok so the comments above got me questioning how many people are in on the joke and how many actually bit the onion, and i don't know if this is good or bad
12/15/23 08:26PM
Trance is a natural state that can happen outside of mind control, and outside of the control/knowledge of the user.
So it should not be "illegal" by itself.
Consequences could be judged, and sanctions could be adjusted (for better or worst) taking in account the causes of course, including pushing part or totality of the blame on someone else.
I doubt that's the answer you were after, but I have no idea if you were after a quote or a reference I don't know or can't think of.

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