12/16/23 09:36AM
Planned server migration in 12-24h
Somewhere between 12 and 24h from this point i will set the site to read-only and dump the database & move the data over to a new server as the current server is running an operating system that is end of life early 2024. This whole progress should only take an hour or two before the site can be used again normally. During the move the site will remain online for browsing.

There is a decent expectation of bugs as the new server also has some upgraded backend that may or may not be incompatible with the software. We have debugged and tested some parts of the site but I'm sure someone is going to run into something that doesn't work. If so, you may put any bugs into
During the first 24h, please only report bugs that are related to the move and didn't happen before.
12/16/23 10:14AM
Planed to upload today but then i postpone it if that helps
Thanks for the warning!
12/16/23 04:28PM
It means we will have other feature change or the system will remain the same?
12/16/23 05:16PM
We shouldn't see changes aside from possible bugs. This is purely the software around the site that needs to be updated and not the site itself.
12/16/23 07:09PM
tis time
12/16/23 07:39PM
12/16/23 09:30PM
That was fast
12/17/23 06:42AM
Not sure if this is a specific bug for anyone else, but is the forum search function working for anyone else? It's just giving me chickens for any word.
12/17/23 06:46AM
I confirm the forum bug.
12/17/23 09:04AM
prob fixed, altough forum search has never been fully reliable.
12/18/23 01:44AM
Edit: looks like it appears with delay.

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