02/21/24 04:39PM
Troubles with the discord administration
Hi HH Community,

Just wanting to ask if anyone has had a similarly poor experience with the HH discord administration (yes I mean the administration not the actual community). I have a full email containing what actually happened which was emailed to the admins of in an attempt to get some form of help as noone seemed to wanna hear my side of the story. The email basically summarized how I was treated pretty poorly due to my gender and not really taken seriously if I attempted to do anything but engage in sexual fantasy. I feel really dumb saying this because yea it kind of comes with the territory but I also don't think I should be banned for speaking out against it. Furthermore, I was blocked by the admins because I did not engage with it in DMs, following the ban. If anyone would like to see the email I wrote I can get it to them, I just need the admin @ booru to forward it back to me, as I deleted it off of my google account. Anyway, if anyone has had a similar experience I would love to know. But also, if you just whine ab a ban which actually was just (i.e. you were harassing ppl or being a creep), then don't bother.

Anywayyyy thats my experience, love to know what others have had, as I saw a few comments under posts about this that made me wanna make a thread.

02/21/24 08:09PM
The admins of the Discord server are not associated with the admins of the booru. I have had many frustrating experiences with them but the server is more of a spinoff than an official server.
02/21/24 08:29PM
also the admins of the hypnohub server have a weird tendency of banning people for absolutely no reason at all, sometimes even randomly

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