03/30/24 12:18AM
Question about recent AI post deletion
So, I posted a manip just an hour ago or so, and it was quickly deleted with this reason behind it:

"Realistic AI art / MD5: c59eb8e8d642202ecf2533cc883e8de7"
(The image was the "200076")

I have a few questions regarding this:

- Where can I find the guidelines about "not having realistic AI art" in the Hub? I tried searching the hub for a guideline, but eh... I couldn't find any.

- Why is it called "realistic"? Now, it was 3D rendered, but between that manip and the images I recently posted about Jill Valentine, the difference (in style) is non existent since the same parameters were used. Does imaginary characters from well-established IP bypass this, and "general" characters do not? Because I have some pics of Ahsoka Tano ready, but at this point I want to understand how this works before getting another deletion.

- What does the long code after MD5 mean, exactly?

Thanks for your time, and happy Easter.
03/30/24 08:28PM
Hey, moderator that initially deleted that image here.

The post was flagged for deletion by another user that said that it was too realistic, in hindsight I'll admit that that was a bit too harsh and I've asked one of the site admins to undelete it (as I cannot myself)

As for the 'rule' itself, it applies to any AI art that too closely resembles real life and is mostly an extension to the rule that we don't allow IRL manips or anything along that same vein.
03/30/24 09:44PM
Detour said:
Hey, moderator that initially deleted that image here.

The post was flagged for deletion by another user that said that it was too realistic, in hindsight I'll admit that that was a bit too harsh and I've asked one of the site admins to undelete it (as I cannot myself)

As for the 'rule' itself, it applies to any AI art that too closely resembles real life and is mostly an extension to the rule that we don't allow IRL manips or anything along that same vein.

Ooooooh, I get it.
...Well, honestly, if someone thought that was realistic... damn, I'm feeling kinda flattered in a weird sense xD
*Inserts Psyduck meme "Oh, stop it you"*

Joking aside, it's 100% fine; if it's easier for you guys, I can always reupload it, so you don't have to go around and bother the admins; it's no big deal.

Still... what does that long string of alphanumeric code mean? Still curios.

Just to wrap this up: this kind of "3d realism" is fine, right? Because I have others images planned that do resemble this SFM\3D animation style (with famous characters like Ahsoka Tano, Neeko and the like), just like the ones I posted before, so I don't want to cross any lines there.
03/31/24 01:06AM
Yes that style should be fine.

As for the alphanumeric code, it's the hash belonging to the image. It's essentially a string of characters unique to that combination of pixels that the site uses to both store and check for duplicate versions of an image.
03/31/24 01:53AM
Detour said:
Yes that style should be fine.

As for the alphanumeric code, it's the hash belonging to the image. It's essentially a string of characters unique to that combination of pixels that the site uses to both store and check for duplicate versions of an image.

The more you know
Thanks for the explanation. Have a happy holiday, pal.

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