PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
045431Saki? (Brainwashed doll? Brainwashed doll is me ... I'm Brainwashed doll Saki ...)

Chihiro? (Chihiro is a brainwashed doll. The brainwashed doll keeps white in his head and follows the instructions ...)
Amazingbrahjr2021-10-14 15:37:13Revert
047200Saki? (Brainwashed doll? Brainwashed doll is me ... I'm Brainwashed doll Saki ...)

Chihiro? (Chihiro is a brainwashed doll. The brainwashed doll keeps white in his head and follows the instructions ...)
HOMY030812HVZYRHA32021-12-16 22:18:27Revert