PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
047652...huh?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:16:28Revert
047654Where is it... huh...?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:16:50Revert
047662Whats wrong~? You know class is starting right~?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:19:59Revert
047665It's... it's nothing! You two go on ahead!BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:21:05Revert
047669Current hypnosis suggestion: 「I cannot wear underwear」BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:24:03Revert
047671F- for some reason, I just couldn't put on my underwear...BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:25:32Revert
047672... I didn't know how to put them on...?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:27:13Revert
047674It would be really weird to ask someone else about it...BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:28:11Revert
047675Am I going to have to go all day like this...?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:29:10Revert
047676It's still 3rd period...?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:29:55Revert
047679N- no one can see anything... right...?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:31:18Revert
047680Why can't I... huh...?BanannaBread2022-01-01 15:32:03Revert