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054792pua!!!dummylol2022-11-15 04:59:46Revert
054794Don't say that.
Please go out with me.
dummylol2022-11-15 05:02:17Revert
054795You really don't want to leave me alone.dummylol2022-11-15 05:02:47Revert
054796It's not just your head.
Not only in the head, but in the ears as well.
You have bad hearing too?
That's why ・・・・
That's bad.
dummylol2022-11-15 05:03:11Revert
054797Eh... wow...
Did this squirt...? ...I saw it for the first time.
dummylol2022-11-15 05:07:30Revert
054798I mean...
you got really wet.
I'm sorry, you're in your uniform.
I'm going to wipe it off with my uniform.
dummylol2022-11-15 05:08:23Revert