Wiki History Listing

3When a female has their mind and body transformed into no longer being a bimbo, usually after being transformed into one previously. Usually accompanied by character gaining intelligence. Sometimes accompanied by [[nerdification]]. Opposite of [[bimbofication]]. [h4]See also:[/h4] • [[nerdification]]
Updated by GoobGoobert Sun, Apr 14 '24, 15:49
Version 3
2When a female has their mind and body transformed into no longer being a bimbo, usually after being transformed into one previously. Usually accompanied by character gaining intelligence. Sometimes accompanied by [[nerdification]]. Opposite of [[bimbofication]]. [h4]See also:[/h4] • [[Nerdification]]
Updated by GoobGoobert Sun, Apr 14 '24, 04:10
Version 2
1When a female has their mind and body transformed into no longer being a bimbo. Usually accompanied by [[nerdification]]. Opposite of [[bimbofication]].
Updated by GoobGoobert Sun, Apr 14 '24, 03:16
Version 1