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062201Oh, Ohhh! By eating the mochi I got from that Pokémon, my body transformed... What is the principle behind this, I wonder...? I'm so curious... Wait, this will get in the way of my work.Hattori2024-01-15 02:57:35Revert
062202It's not coming off... Hmph.. So, how do I get back to normal.. This "mochi mochi" word that keeps echoing in my head, I feel the urge to say it.Hattori2024-01-15 03:00:01Revert
062203It's not coming off... Hmph.. So, how do I get back to normal.. This "mochi mochi" word that keeps echoing in my head, I feel the urge to say it. ...Should I try saying it..?Hattori2024-01-15 03:00:32Revert
062204Oh, Ohhh! By eating the mochi I got from that Pokémon, my body transformed... What is the principle behind this, I wonder...? I'm so curious... Wait, working like this would be troublesome.Hattori2024-01-15 03:02:28Revert
062301Oh, Ohhh! By eating the mochi I got from that Pokémon, my body transformed... What is the principle behind this, I wonder...? I'm so intrigued... Wait, working like this would be troublesome.Hattori2024-01-15 15:30:54Revert
062302It's not coming off... Hmph.. So, how do I get back to normal? This "mochi mochi" thing that keeps echoing in my head, I feel the urge to say it. ...Should I try saying it..?Hattori2024-01-15 15:31:18Revert