10/31/13 12:12AM
Manipulation Tips and Tricks
Hello all! Reverse here!
I'm desperately trying to get back into the manipping game, I see all sorts of pictures with potential that I'd like to try!
However, when I go to do the work, I end up screwing up in some way, and then I get frustrated.

So I put this post here seeing if I can get some help in making manips!
Some instructions would be a godsend for me. ^^;

This post can also be used as a reference if others need help in manipping instructions, unless it's only me. Then I guess it'd just be for me to get instructions on. I hope I'm not the only one with manipping troubles! o_o;

Any help at all is appreciated, and if this post has already been made before me, I'll delete this. Or ask a moderator to delete it. I'm not sure what I can and cannot do here.

Thanks in advance!

10/31/13 12:38AM
Well, I may have some advice to give once I get back into the manipping game as well. (Which will be fairly soon.) For now I'll just say that when making text manips of anime style images it is usually a good idea to use the font commonly seen in mangas.

...What's that called, by the way?
10/31/13 12:51AM
Thanks Lost. I look forward to seeing what you can cook up! :D
I'm not sure what it's called. Sorry to say.
For now, I guess I'll keep my manips simple. Still, any advice is appreciated everyone. :3
10/31/13 12:53AM
Lost+Name said:
Well, I may have some advice to give once I get back into the manipping game as well. (Which will be fairly soon.) For now I'll just say that when making text manips of anime style images it is usually a good idea to use the font commonly seen in mangas.

...What's that called, by the way?

There's not a single font that's used for manga scanlations, but 2 common ones I know of are Wild Words and Anime Ace. Wild Words is what I use for all my text manips.
10/31/13 01:02AM
Thanks MW, you know it's odd. I can't seem to find Wild Words. Do you think you would be able to post a mediafire link?
10/31/13 01:43AM
Lost+Name said:
Thanks MW, you know it's odd. I can't seem to find Wild Words. Do you think you would be able to post a mediafire link?

Well, the thing is, it's actually a commercial font, which I didn't know until after I downloaded it. I can give you a link to the site I downloaded it from: Just download the .TTF file; don't use their installer. If you can't get it from there, for whatever reason, PM me.
10/31/13 02:11AM
Mindwipe said:
Well, the thing is, it's actually a commercial font, which I didn't know until after I downloaded it. I can give you a link to the site I downloaded it from: Just download the .TTF file; don't use their installer. If you can't get it from there, for whatever reason, PM me.

Thanks, this helps.
10/31/13 02:33AM
What I want to learn how to do is make a spiral/eyes glow.
Its an effect I love, but I always screw it up.
10/31/13 02:50AM
Reversed1 said:
What I want to learn how to do is make a spiral/eyes glow.
Its an effect I love, but I always screw it up.

Ah, well I couldn't help you with that. I always just use PhotoShop for that. It provides a beautiful clean glow in a variety of styles. Personally, I'd recommend that over any other method but others may differ.
10/31/13 07:40AM
If anyone here finds it helpful I recently made a glowing eye tutorial for SAI and photoshop, it should be straight forward.

making the tutorial actually makes me want to make more manips, I'll make some eventually
10/31/13 07:52AM
Zko said:
If anyone here finds it helpful I recently made a glowing eye tutorial for SAI and photoshop, it should be straight forward.

Huh... Why didn't I think of th- Wait a minute! Hypno-tan! That sketch in the bottom corner is good (and funny)! Why haven't we seen any original art from you before?

Well, thanks for the tutorial, in any case (but seriously, I'd like to see more like that sketch).
10/31/13 03:24PM
Zko said:
If anyone here finds it helpful I recently made a glowing eye tutorial for SAI and photoshop, it should be straight forward.

making the tutorial actually makes me want to make more manips, I'll make some eventually

That's the cutest tutorial I've ever seen! This whole thread is making me want to manip things...uah.
11/01/13 03:14AM
The fastest way to make spiral eyes:

1. Get a spiral.
2. resize it to how you want it to be on the iris, and skew it so it looks like it's in the same plane as the iris in question. In PS you control-click the edges (not the corners) while transforming to get this kind of skew. Maker sure you cover the whole iris.
3. set the transparency to about 50% so you can see the iris. Add a layer mask and paint out everything outside the iris so the spiral layer is only visible over the iris. Bring the transparency back up to 100%, repeat this step as necessary until it looks right.

There's all kinds of other neat adjustments you can make but that's the basics. I assume photoshop works pretty much the same now as my 12-year-old legal copy I still use. :p
11/01/13 05:55AM
Zko said:
If anyone here finds it helpful I recently made a glowing eye tutorial for SAI and photoshop, it should be straight forward.

making the tutorial actually makes me want to make more manips, I'll make some eventually

Think I could make this work for GIMP? Its what I have. ^^;
11/01/13 06:00AM
Reversed1 said:
Think I could make this work for GIMP? Its what I have. ^^;

GIMP and Photoshop are practically the same. So, I'd say you probably can. I plan on trying on an old manip at some point.
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