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04510The wasp rams its ovipositor into the brood mother's cervix to trigger the release of its eggs.bugmenot2015-02-20 01:24:17Revert
04511Maiden-cradle Wasp (order Hymenoptera, family Cunavespidae)

This species of Cradle Wasp uses humans as brood mothers. Its breeding process requires both a male and a female; the male fertilizes the female's eggs, then she implants them in the brood mother's body.

The average brood consists of 4-5 larvae.

When the wasp locates an apt brood mother, it immobilizes her by freezing the synapses in her brain; this ensures that the brood mother cannot escape until the implantation process is complete. The wasp then deposits its eggs directly into the brood mother's uterus. The eggs implant themselves in the uteral wall, causing the brood mother's body to behave as if she were pregnant. This process takes over 24 hours.

Only the toughest of larvae become pupae. Usually, no more than one larva per brood reaches its adult stage.
bugmenot2015-02-20 01:25:12Revert