PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
010666"But even your resistance will deeply fade away with hypnotism...!"IDPet2017-08-14 00:03:05Revert
010667"Your strong will will only strengthen the trance..."IDPet2017-08-14 00:03:19Revert
010668"Oh... no..."IDPet2017-08-14 00:04:03Revert
010669"You'll be fine...just stop resisting ..."IDPet2017-08-14 00:04:14Revert
010670"You should feel good... if you throw up your thoughts... as much as you like and relax...."IDPet2017-08-14 00:04:25Revert
010671"Your strong will will cause you future problems..."IDPet2017-08-14 00:06:03Revert