PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
010785"...Now, show me what a living mannequin should look like, Sasaki needs to give you an example."IDPet2017-08-19 20:16:04Revert
010786"Don't worry...You can be aware as your usual self..."IDPet2017-08-19 20:16:19Revert
010787"That's a charming work... You will be filled with fun feelings..."IDPet2017-08-19 20:16:37Revert
010788"I'll start"IDPet2017-08-19 20:17:20Revert
010789Translator's note:
My bad, during the Sasaki's arc, she wanted to be a model, but Tajima ends convincing her to be "the model mannequin". After the photo scene every time they talk about "model of the shop" is "mannequin"
IDPet2017-08-19 20:18:18Revert