07/01/18 07:31AM
Heads Up, Patreon is Targeting Adult Content Creators

I know people have had their accounts suspended quite suddenly recently, and it's apparently (and sadly) not just isolated incidences. Might just be a temporary ass-covering on their part *crosses fingers* But it could also be Patreon following the model of past online creator platforms, starting the process of kicking porn to the curb after porn helped raise it up.
07/01/18 07:42AM
Mezzberry said:
But it could also be Patreon following the model of past online creator platforms, starting the process of kicking porn to the curb after porn helped raise it up.

You phrase this like the top brass at Patreon is doing this of their own free will.
07/01/18 08:00AM
They are doing this again?

Thought after last time they wouldn't do it a second time
07/01/18 08:09AM
Imasuky said:
They are doing this again?

Thought after last time they wouldn't do it a second time

Now you should know better that that.
07/01/18 08:28AM
I'm pretty positive Patreon is like 1/3rd porn or "adult content" at this point.

If they keep trying to rip off a portion of what is their clientele then they're just gonna lose it to a platform specifically catered for it.

Adults like adult things. I don't get why we as a society haven't come to terms with this.
07/01/18 08:34AM
Dystopia69 said:
Adults like adult things. I don't get why we as a society haven't come to terms with this.

A combination of the remnants of puritanism, and a Communist obsession with desexualizing society in order to divert all love towards love of the party.

Look up Stalin's efforts at desexualizing Soviet society in the 1930's. Orwell himself drew on this when writing "1984", specifically the part about abolishing the orgasm, and the junior anti sex league.

The end result is that adult content is seen as corrupting and "impure", and has been seen like that for a very long time. So you get places like Patreon getting scared of how their self image looks, and conducting purges.

07/01/18 09:11AM
Allister said:
a Communist obsession with desexualizing society in order to divert all love towards love of the party.

For that to make any sense whatsoever we would actually have to live in a place where some form of Communist Party actually held any power whatsoever. You can't try to divert peoples' affection towards a Party that doesn't actually exist.
07/01/18 09:16AM
Alright saying it now NO POLITICS!

Any farther talk about political matters will result in warnings, strikes, even bans.
07/01/18 09:53AM
Well anyway, as mentioned earlier in the thread, it looks like the decision is being pushed onto Patreon management by the payment processors that the site relies on:

So we could argue about the reasons why and the reasons behind those reasons why the payment processors made this decision, but I'd say it's clear that the buck stops with them.

Hopefully this doesn't count as politics, but I'd just say that as an issue of decision-making policy this is a recurring problem with large web platforms, that there's a sort of bottleneck in the decision-making where a very small group can decide policy that effects a lot of peoples' ability to post things. And in any case where money changes hands, that bottleneck is going to be with the people who manage the payments. Short of very few exceptions they can just refuse to do business or threaten to rescind their business anytime, which can cancel the whole process.

The only way to really avoid that would be to go back to where you have all your customers just send you cash/checks/money orders through snail mail. But of course that would lose all the reach and efficiency that these large platforms offer people.
07/01/18 12:58PM
Allister said:
A combination of the remnants of puritanism, and a Communist obsession with desexualizing society in order to divert all love towards love of the party.

Look up Stalin's efforts at desexualizing Soviet society in the 1930's. Orwell himself drew on this when writing "1984", specifically the part about abolishing the orgasm, and the junior anti sex league.

The end result is that adult content is seen as corrupting and "impure", and has been seen like that for a very long time. So you get places like Patreon getting scared of how their self image looks, and conducting purges.

You aren't wrong about the fact that remnants of Puritanism result in it, but the other aspect of it is actually a malformed representation of sex in the media, where it's okay for Hollywood and magazines to have sexy (and many times nude) people in their publications, but not for the average person to.
07/01/18 01:11PM
so I guess it's safe to say that Patreon is sooner or later going down like DA and people have to create their own sites to get what they're looking for....

Anon_3.141 said:
You aren't wrong about the fact that remnants of Puritanism result in it, but the other aspect of it is actually a malformed representation of sex in the media, where it's okay for Hollywood and magazines to have sexy (and many times nude) people in their publications, but not for the average person to.

Because the big ones 'know' what you should be allowed to view and you shouldn't be allowed to decide on your own, imagine you searching the web for porn for free and not buying their exclusive magazines anymore...that would be a catastrophe for them.
07/01/18 01:41PM
notanotheralias said:
Well anyway, as mentioned earlier in the thread, it looks like the decision is being pushed onto Patreon management by the payment processors that the site relies on:

Man, I still remember when hypno-porn makers had to stop using the words hypnosis, hypnotize, hypnotism, trance, and other such words, because payment processors refused to work with them because of it.

It's honestly sad that payment processors do this so often.
07/01/18 03:41PM
Anno1404 said:

Because the big ones 'know' what you should be allowed to view and you shouldn't be allowed to decide on your own, imagine you searching the web for porn for free and not buying their exclusive magazines anymore...that would be a catastrophe for them.

I suppose the one saving grace is that the big ones at least publish a fairly wide variety of kinks in their publications, so that there's a little bit for (almost) everyone. And "children's" cartoons are used to provide our shared kink.
07/01/18 05:19PM
Mindwipe said:
It's honestly sad that payment processors do this so often.

Payment processors are likely subject to government regulation and reporting (OFAC, FinCEN, etc) because of the volume of money they handle. They don't want any money that passes through them that could even remotely smells like a byproduct of something illicit, and with porn and sexual art there's always that fear, let alone the backlash if a minor crosses paths with it in any way. No one wants to go down for money laundering.

Let's be real: anything labeled as pornography will, by definition be considered a taboo subject and beating your chest about how "woke" you are and trying to claim the moral high ground isn't going to help things.
07/01/18 07:24PM
Okay without getting political...

The act of sex is not what you'd call a clean act. When you get right down to it it's actually rather disgusting, and it has the potential to cause horrible consequences, up to and including STD's.

So sex is easy to label as offensive, or wrong, or impure. That label is also not entirely wrong. Without proper precautions, sex can ruin your life.

So you have some people opposed to sex because of their views involving purity. This opposition has been around for a very long time and it is not going away.
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