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032172haah... <3 It got really hot all of a sudden...<3

I guess if Master is the only one around I could ditch a few layers of clothing...<3

"Aren't I embarrassed"? What are you talking about? Everyone knows theres nothing weird about showing skin around your Master...
Disastermaster552020-09-24 23:45:15Revert
053340haah... <3 It got really hot all of a sudden...<3

I guess if Master is the only one around I could ditch a few layers of clothing...<3
Dicky972022-08-25 22:49:29Revert
053341"Aren't I embarrassed"? What are you talking about? Everyone knows theres nothing weird about showing skin around your Master...Dicky972022-08-25 20:50:46Revert
053342"Aren't I embarrassed"? What are you talking about?

Everyone knows theres nothing weird about showing skin around your Master...
Dicky972022-08-25 22:51:05Revert