02/05/14 05:41AM
I'm making this thread based on a convo I had in chat and the fact my gf posted a story in the forums.

Rather then then everyone making a separate thread for every stories.

So without further adue...
This thread is for people to post links to stories they have written or even the stories themselves if you want and even fought drafts are ok.

People can comments on works and make suggestion and such.
02/05/14 12:38PM
pastebin.com/FDYNQujy my awesome new story everyone
02/06/14 01:26AM
I'm not a writer but I do like reading.

I think if people are posting their stories you ought to put a small description so the reader knows what theyre getting into, I dont want to read something that seems enjoyable to me at first then suddenly full of drinking urine and diapers and what not, no offense to those who like those things, just not my taste. Maybe even maybe some basic tags like malesub, femdom and what not. Since just a link isnt gonna do much for attracting readers.

I hope people use this thread more though.
02/06/14 02:11AM
Diaper_queen said:
pastebin.com/FDYNQujy my awesome new story everyone

I don't think you understand how much I love stories that involve texting or instant messaging as a means of controlling someone, love it.

Besides the typo here and there it was a good read. I always prefer if more focus is put on the induction and programming of the subject and playing around with them a little rather than getting "right to buisness." For example making the subject feel or think something every time they see a trigger and the confusion/brainwashing that happens during that experience. I never liked it when the narration demeans the character and calls them derogatory terms but that's just a personal thing, I'm sure other people actually prefer that.

I'd love to see more instant messaging based stories in the future though. Maybe making a mock chat log between a hypnotist and an unexpecting subject, that is the greatest kind of hypno :Q_____
02/06/14 04:59AM
Diaper_queen said:
pastebin.com/FDYNQujy my awesome new story everyone

nice story, you didn't hold back at all i see
02/06/14 05:33AM

The lamia's circle

Romantic hypnosis, revolving around a human female and a lamia she is hunting, unaware te woman has been stalking her for years...

Contains Yuri, futa, oviposition (placing eggs Into another), lamia (duh), sexy times



A solider is captured by a race of cyborg women and is raped and indoctrinated into their ranks.

Contains loli, tech control, tentacles, sexy times.
02/21/14 02:40AM

A slice-of-life story involving a college girl who is addicted to her Kirlia's hypnosis.
02/21/14 04:44AM
A micro-story entitled "One Act of Bravery". 500 words

"No… please!" the blonde-haired woman cowered in the corner of the apartment, paralyzed with fear by the intruder.

The intruder simply smiled, advancing on the woman, casting a long shadow behind it as it moved into the apartment.

"I'll do anything! I'll give you anything! Just don't come any closer!"

Now the intruder frowned, leaping towards the woman, seizing her by the shoulders, and raising her into the air. The woman closed her eyes in fear.

"One thing you'll learn about my kind," the intruder said. "You can't lie to us. Human minds are so painfully transparent. Look at me when I'm speaking to you!"

The woman opened her eyes, taking in the full visage of the intruder. At first, she only seemed to be another woman, tall, brown-haired, with pale skin. It was only in the sharp points of enamel sliding out of her wine-dark lips and in her fierce red eyes that betrayed her kind.

"You won't "give me anything," the Vampire said. "You're playing the soft, helpless damsel in distress. Not that it's too hard for you to do that," she sneered as the woman sniffled. "But you are doing this deliberately, to hinder our efforts to drink the blood of that Butch you live with."

"Don't talk about Joanne like that!" the woman yelled. "She's a selfless woman, always working to protect people!"

"She's a lesbian stereotype," the Vampire said. "A woman taking a stereotypically masculine job to show off how different she is. Of course, you're not much different. You've always been looking for your Prince, or, thanks to a trick of nature, your Princess. Happy Butch and Femme lesbians."

"Well, Joanne won't avoid us for long. She'll find her SWAT unit is in no position to help her stop us."

"She'll protect people from the likes of you until she dies," the woman said, choking back sobs.

"Which is why you decided to sacrifice yourself? Offer your pretty neck up to the big, bad vampire? Keep her busy long enough to let Joanne get away?"

The woman began sobbing. "Shh, shh…" the vampire soothed. "You've been a coward all your life; afraid that your own weakness would let someone take advantage of you. You're terrified now. I see them in your head; all the horror-stories about vampires reducing humans to mere meat-puppets, walking blood-banks to be harvested until they perish."

"Well, I would have done just that, but a woman as selfless as you should be rewarded. I'll give you two rewards: eternal life and a chance to see Joanne again, so that she can thank you."

The vampire dropped her prey, then stared deep into her eyes, her potency infesting the human, forcing her to kneel and offer her neck.

The woman felt the vampire's lips, then her teeth, then a dark ecstasy that made its bid for control of her mind.

Her last old thought, and her first new thought, were one in the same: she just wanted to see Joanne again.
02/21/14 04:52AM
Ogodei-Khan said:

So, anyone up for a VtM session?
02/21/14 07:33AM
BML-20XX said:

A slice-of-life story involving a college girl who is addicted to her Kirlia's hypnosis.

I very much liked this one, light hearted and sweet yet still really entertaining. Its nice that not all stories have to end in something hardcore or uber explicit.
02/21/14 12:52PM
BML-20XX said:

A slice-of-life story involving a college girl who is addicted to her Kirlia's hypnosis.

This was so cute. I really like lighthearted stories like this. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Totally agreed with Zko on this one.

After staying up a little late, I wrote this up in the setting of a friendly Steam chat (because I love Steam): pastebin.com/ewhkPf4U

I think I may have put a few too many references in there.
02/21/14 03:26PM
Dreamshade said:
This was so cute. I really like lighthearted stories like this. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Totally agreed with Zko on this one.

After staying up a little late, I wrote this up in the setting of a friendly Steam chat (because I love Steam): pastebin.com/ewhkPf4U

I think I may have put a few too many references in there.

OH god, hypno stories based around chat logs, I cant understand why I crave these so much, it's too much for me I love it. Though in terms of criticism I would have the hypnotist play with the subject a little more rather than just buy games and be done with it, just to confirm their new dominant status. Or even put up some post triggers, like when you beat a boss in Binding of Issac you will "x." You have videogames as a subject (sort of) so might as well use them~
And I never liked the word affirmative unless you're in the military but that's just my personal niche taste.

Makes me want to write more short stories based around the concept of hypnotized via IM and email rather than draw skypenotized.

02/21/14 09:15PM
Zko said:
I very much liked this one, light hearted and sweet yet still really entertaining. Its nice that not all stories have to end in something hardcore or uber explicit.

Dreamshade said:
This was so cute. I really like lighthearted stories like this. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Totally agreed with Zko on this one.

Yay! People liked my story!
Thank you.
02/21/14 10:50PM
Zko said:
OH god, hypno stories based around chat logs, I cant understand why I crave these so much, it's too much for me I love it. Though in terms of criticism I would have the hypnotist play with the subject a little more rather than just buy games and be done with it, just to confirm their new dominant status. Or even put up some post triggers, like when you beat a boss in Binding of Issac you will "x." You have videogames as a subject (sort of) so might as well use them~
And I never liked the word affirmative unless you're in the military but that's just my personal niche taste.

Makes me want to write more short stories based around the concept of hypnotized via IM and email rather than draw skypenotized.

Thanks for the criticism. :D I really liked writing it; chat logs really feel like a completely different write to conventional stories. I felt more like the characters were writing themselves once I got started. :3

I was thinking of continuing with these two since I like them, so I went a bit light for this one (also it was 5 AM and I decided to go to sleep). I felt like hearts was still a bit skeptical of Vodka's actual state since it was accidental, so they didn't take full advantage of it this time around. I tried to imply that with hearts going off to look up what to do.

I had a hard time thinking of words that meant Yes that weren't, um...yes. Spent about 5 minutes thinking on that one before I gave up. I didn't like it myself, since it felt a bit out of place with hearts's fairly lax chat and Vodka's otherwise formal but friendly chat.

I really like Skypenotized, in particular how the hypnotist messes with Crystal, especially the slip-up with the text. My // was based on the brackets your hypnotist has, but since you already did brackets, I just stole end-of-line comments from C. :3

//Compiler-senpai never notices me :C

BML-20XX said:
Yay! People liked my story!
Thank you.

It makes me wish I had a Kirlia. :3 I could use some stress relief.
02/22/14 01:20AM
Dreamshade said:

Dreamshade said:

Dreamshade said:

Who are you and why do you have such good taste?

Anyways I used to write a bunch of naughty things (CoC oldboii reppin) but have been trying to focus on drawing so I don't have anything recent to post. I might give another story a shot for funsies though, if we're sharing now~
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