PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
025575anonlv0002020-02-20 02:09:56Revert
025576anonlv0002020-02-20 02:10:00Revert
025577anonlv0002020-02-20 02:10:06Revert
025578an easter egg for you, tong0850. Thanks for all of the translations!
- anonlv000
anonlv0002020-02-20 02:11:27Revert
025579anonlv0002020-02-20 02:11:36Revert
026692Chapter 14tong08502020-02-23 17:33:21Revert
026693Chapter 13 Endtong08502020-02-23 17:33:30Revert
026694Shiho used her own power to trace the magic to the school that tong08502020-02-23 17:36:21Revert
026695Shiho used her own power to trace the magic to the school that Aoi goes to, and they finally arrivedtong08502020-02-23 17:36:43Revert
026696Shiho: Aoi-chan, you absolutely must stay by my side at all time, okay?tong08502020-02-23 17:37:24Revert
026697Aoi: I know! Shiho-santong08502020-02-23 17:37:38Revert