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032721Ah, umm...M-master-ss-ama!! nnn~
lepig2020-11-27 22:37:27Revert
lepig2020-11-27 22:37:40Revert
032723Um, asking you something so terribly important is difficult, but...may I, sir?
lepig2020-11-27 22:37:53Revert
032724What? Yeah, it's alright if you say something. (That's pretty unusual)
lepig2020-11-27 22:38:04Revert
032725Um...I'm...tremendously h-happy, sir, but...If possible, I'd greatly appreciate if you could do this kind of act with Shiru, "use her" as well...
lepig2020-11-27 22:38:45Revert
032726...!! Hah. *Gulp* A-ah, I see...I'll think about it. (Hehe, she said that with such good intentions haha)lepig2020-11-27 22:38:58Revert
032727Thank you so very much, sir! Only using me, it'd be awful for Shiru...lepig2020-11-27 22:39:10Revert
032728Shiru becomes a meat toilet as well.lepig2020-11-27 22:39:25Revert
049637Um...I'm...tremendously h-happy, sir, but...If possible, I'd greatly appreciate if you could do this kind of act with Shiru, "use her" as well...Nayn1232022-02-15 13:57:56Revert