PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
035370Aihara Miki Lv. 73
Disastermaster552021-01-16 19:07:22Revert
035371Status: Confused
Sensitivity: 0
Reason: 50
Disastermaster552021-01-16 19:07:37Revert
035372*I inhaled some of the gas.*
*My reason drops by 10.*
*My status resistance is reduced.*
*I'm in a state of confusion.*
*I can't act because I'm confused.*
*I move towards the source of the gas.*
Disastermaster552021-01-16 19:08:56Revert
035373Aihara MikiDisastermaster552021-01-16 19:09:07Revert
046753*I inhaled some of the gas.*
*My reason drops by 10.*
*My status resistance is reduced.*
*I'm in a state of confusion.*
*I can't act because I'm confused.*
*I move towards the source of the gas.*
Hayate14112021-11-22 04:58:08Revert