PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
037332Serving master is my joy...
Yes... understood...
darsh2021-04-25 03:12:27Revert
0373331) Blank eyes with gradationdarsh2021-04-25 03:13:34Revert
037334Often seen in anime and manga
Simple is Best.
darsh2021-04-25 03:13:54Revert
0373352) Blank eyes with pupilsdarsh2021-04-25 03:14:07Revert
037336The others are still resisting, but it is just a matter of time before they are master's marionettes.darsh2021-04-25 03:14:55Revert
037337Lines and other parts around the eyes are distinct;
These eyes indicate that a certain amount of the former consciousness and information is left intact.
darsh2021-04-25 03:16:16Revert