PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
043385You have a question you want to ask me? "Can psychic-type Pokemon really hypnotize a psychic?"extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:38:54Revert
043386To get straight to the point, absolutely not.extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:39:14Revert
043387Their hypnosis takes advantage of the weakness and gaps in people's minds.extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:40:43Revert
043388This is why laypeople are affected, but a psychic's mind is strong and has no cracks.extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:41:44Revert
043389Their hypnosis takes advantage of the weakness and cracks in people's minds.extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:41:53Revert
043390If there **was** a psychic-type Pokemon that could get me to submit, I'd be happy to meet them.extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:43:40Revert
043391Hypnotizedextreyextrey2021-08-22 14:43:48Revert
043392Whatever you had in mind at the time, I can't believe you would ask me such a ridiculous question... severe punishment will be necessary.extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:45:12Revert
043393*RIP...*extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:45:24Revert
043394*RIP*extreyextrey2021-08-22 14:45:34Revert
045619This is why laypeople are affected, but a psychic's mind is strong and has no cracks.Sirre2021-10-23 11:35:54Revert