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043811The app connects to the phone’s calendar and reminders and orders a "Daily Quest" for the same day.Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:34:37Revert
043812The player accepts the order and executes the schedule in the real world. The player then reports back to the app to complete the quest.Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:34:47Revert
043813The player accepts the order and executes the schedule in the real world. The player then reports back to the app to complete the quest.Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:35:05Revert
043814The special gimmick of this app is that the hero is the player themself in the real world.Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:35:53Revert
043815The app connects to the phone’s calendar and reminders and orders a "Daily Quest" for the same day.Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:36:04Revert
043817Ai: “You'll get experience and items if you complete your schedule. When you have concrete numbers and rewards, it gives you a different sense of accomplishment. It's a great way to motivate yourself to do even the most mundane things, and it's really fun.”Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:36:36Revert
043818Friend A: “It’s not for me. I recommended it to you because it looked interesting at first, but I've never used reminders in the first place. Thanks to that, I'm stuck because I can't get any quests. I think I'm going to uninstall it. I can’t progress!”Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:37:02Revert
043819Ai: *giggling* “Oh, Ai stopped at a red light!”
Game Voice: "Mission Complete!"
Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:37:22Revert
043820Friend A: "Huh? That’s really a quest? I mean, are there really that many quests?"Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:37:35Revert
043821Ai: “That wasn’t a quest, it was a mission. Right now, I'm working on a quest called "Return Home," but you can set up more detailed missions with important points and precautions.”Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:37:48Revert
043822Ai: “That wasn’t a quest, it was a mission. Right now, I'm working on a quest called "Return Home", but you can set up more detailed missions with important points and precautions.”Fushigiball2021-08-31 01:38:09Revert
046522Ai: *giggling* “Oh, Ai stopped at a red light!”

Game Voice: "Mission Complete!"
Fushigiball2021-11-13 20:52:05Revert