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045060~At the Main Store, we always sell 「Freeze」Dried food takeaways.~BanannaBread2021-10-05 06:29:12Revert Madoka? What?! You froze up all of a sudden... Ah! Crap! I forgot to remove your time-stop triggers yesterday!BanannaBread2021-10-05 06:31:46Revert
045062Oh... What was it again... it was that, you would stop whenever someone said 「Freeze」and the hypnosis wouldn't be undone... until the same person said 「Start」...BanannaBread2021-10-05 06:33:18Revert
045063Well... this is pretty bad... Well, at least she froze during a "Moe-Moe-Kyun" so I guess she can be used as an art piece, lol.BanannaBread2021-10-05 06:36:11Revert