PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
02285A giant snake recently settled down in the apple plantation, but Fluttershy said it isn't dangerous so I went to try and talk her into leaving.fluffkins2014-04-16 12:22:38Revert
02286Hey, you! You're Fluttershy's friend, right?fluffkins2014-04-16 12:22:52Revert
02287Sorry, but do you think you could find a different place to live?fluffkins2014-04-16 12:23:11Revert
02288What . . . what did you do . . . ?fluffkins2014-04-16 12:23:23Revert
02289My hooves . . . fluffkins2014-04-16 12:23:39Revert
02290They say there's been giant snakes spotted in the apple plantation.fluffkins2014-04-16 12:24:27Revert
02291And everybody's already busy searching for Applejack . . .fluffkins2014-04-16 12:24:58Revert
02292She'd be able to do something about that.fluffkins2014-04-16 12:25:21Revert
02293We really have to hurry up and find her . . .fluffkins2014-04-16 12:25:32Revert