PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
050288WHAT IS THIS?! Why are Miyu and I licking an old man there...?!

I haven't even kissed a boy yet...
Disastermaster552022-03-04 15:38:07Revert
050289Lusting over a man's asshole while touching tongues with Illya the whole time... Disastermaster552022-03-04 15:38:28Revert
050290So vigorous... Our saliva is running all over each other's faces...Disastermaster552022-03-04 15:38:43Revert
050291My mouth is so full of him, trying to swallow...

*Eh?* Are those his balls...?

I'm sucking this guy off but why am I smiling...? I don't understand...
Disastermaster552022-03-04 15:39:27Revert