PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
051305You there! Miss-Disastermaster552022-04-23 19:31:46Revert
051306Please show some modesty and wear your school uniform correctly.Disastermaster552022-04-23 19:35:03Revert
051307Who the fuck are you?
Don't talk to me again you creep.
Go mind your own business somewhere else.
Disastermaster552022-04-23 19:45:41Revert
051308I'm the new student teacher, you can't j-

Dude just fuck off! Do you wanna get kicked through the ceiling?!
Disastermaster552022-04-23 19:48:45Revert
053661I'm the new student teacher, you can't j-

Dude, just fuck off! Do you wanna get kicked through the ceiling?!
Dicky972022-09-22 17:11:30Revert